二、 请简述在上海口岸出口订舱的操作步骤、程序以及注意要点3 Z& g% k1 J5 }) a; L" [' U3 w5 E# K
答:6 |" z* a+ ^; R2 r
1、出口企业在货、证齐备后,填制订舱委托书,随附COMMERCIALINVOICE、PACKINGLIST等其他必要单据,委托货代代为订舱。有时还委托其报关行代理报关,及货物储运等事宜。' s# P6 \0 Z U0 ^' R/ z: d3 @
) v; |& E X; a
2、货代接受订舱委托后,缮制集装箱货物托运单,随同COMMERCIAL INVOICE、PACKING LIST等其他必要单证一同向船公司办理订舱。
% Y& d" F" ?& w$ R/ e' P+ A) ^9 ]0 L: H. q
3、船公司根据具体情况,如接受订舱则在托运单的几联单据上编上与B/L号码一致的编号,填上船名、航次,并签署,即表示已确认托运人的订舱,同时把配舱回单、装货单(SHIPPINGORDER:S/O)等与托运人有关的单据退还给托运人。2 Y e3 x, F5 Y, F
- c# j4 ~* T4 v! Y 4、托运人持船公司签署的S/O,填制出口货物报关单、COMMERCIALINVOICE、PACKINGLIST等连同其他有关的出口单证向海关办理出口货物报关手续。8 I" a& u0 a) D. J
4 b0 n( j) @/ [8 C. k" I
1 i5 g. @7 h- T. T H2 z
6 m( ~ `4 r+ p6 s* _! \ Z 6、托运人持海关盖章的由船公司签署的S/O要求船长装货。
1 r; }# V4 z& B' `9 ]0 h
! K$ F" M1 o' O+ g 7、装货后,由船长的大副签署M/R(Mate’’sreceipt,大副收据),交给托运人。: O* q. r2 J: z: n& f2 Z2 m
3 `8 H: ~0 b% S7 a) {
) E1 Y* ^7 `9 j* \. J& j8 r
: k0 }5 c" |- _3 D3 J) W/ i! e 9、船公司凭M/R,签发正本提单并交给托运人凭以结汇。
' w2 Y. ]% h8 l# g% Y4 s: j
7 B5 G& s" ~+ [: V: i) t# G% c$ o d+ b, _: Z
$ E* O4 n5 r; x$ [, s
三、 请简述提单的作用
" N/ W; n0 _: \' a: p答# x( B! {4 }/ ?7 C, {
提单亦称海运提单,是指用以证明海上货物运输合同和货物已经由承运人接受或者装船,以及承运人保证据以支付货物的单据。5 }8 `0 c8 e0 j
在实际业务中,海运提单的性质和作用表现为三个方面:1 a/ p; F. t; u L* K/ z
1. 它是承运人应托运人的要求所签发的货物收据,表明承运人已按提单所列内容声收到了货物。 }( D9 Y2 I5 X {8 {) k6 V
2. 它是承运人与托运人之间订立运输合同的证明。提单条款明确规定了承运人与托运人之间的权利和义务、责任与豁免,是处理双方之间有关海洋运输方面争议的主要依据。
; M# }( ]& h& [8 q. f3. 它是物权凭证。海运提单是代表货物所有权的凭证,收货人或提单的合法持有人,有权凭提单向承运人提取货物。由于提单是一种物权证明,持有人还可在载货船舶到达目的港之前进行转让,也可向银行押汇。! Y. f# U4 a7 u: [; ^5 L5 }1 t3 |
* Q& W% l+ ?. ?1 P1 {
四、 语法与词汇# K, ] o9 l: n' H
1、She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she ——too long.
, C! Z5 R- \" q( t A) has been reading C) is reading * h I! g' e/ D7 ]
B) had read D) read
j6 w6 S. \) {/ W0 ~/ ]' G& U2、I don't mind ——the decision as long as it is not too late. 1 B7 m& F1 f) Z0 ]5 q8 S( u
A) you to delay making C) your delaying to make ) O0 X1 y9 ]4 S V) ]
B) your delaying making D) you delay to make
7 P' c% V6 v j( O3、The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ——on benches, chairs or boxes. 6 }- E7 h6 `: P4 @
A) having seated C) seated
5 c/ B8 E1 |' i3 r' s$ o B) seating D) having been seated
' y2 N; u7 U+ v b8 v4、Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders ——will happen to her private life.( z4 o6 A$ D2 j4 i1 K
A) that C) it 1 F6 I% ]) r4 \
B) what D) this; o% }9 W+ R) n6 R8 K! a( @
5、Mike's uncle insists ______in this hotel.1 N- |" _% Y! O. Y
A) staying not C) that he would not stay6 Q0 A$ ]# f( N' s1 e4 {
B) not to stay D) that he not stay
5 X$ N# [2 Q3 J; m: _6、In Britain people ______four million tons of potatoes every year.
% s; y7 h2 _" ~+ U9 e- c: ?7 u5 | A) swallow C) consume
: V$ u% s% T0 Y) Z B) dispose D) exhaust" e* ^7 `* G& j8 |( Q! w
7、It is essential that these application forms ______back as early as possible.
) m! s( q4 H9 f d A) must be sent C) are sent
% ]1 e5 {- S' } B) will be sent D) be sent# p; d* K9 c7 p
8、The hopes, goals, fears and desires ______widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.
E8 e* U: I$ v0 Y& C A) alter C) transfer
/ Y% b7 W( n2 t7 G+ ] B) shift D) vary
3 H! R9 a0 c8 Q) F9、The teacher suggested that each student _____ a plan for the summer vacation
+ O- u3 n" h$ S% g! TA) make c) would make7 I( Z/ h6 G1 _2 [ E: v
b) will make d) made
7 @) D+ k3 U- V' F10、Would you like to go for a walk?/ F2 j! ~ q3 [( G; q
Yes, it’s _____ day!
; d. M4 i5 w% M9 k$ E2 z A) so beautiful the C) so a beautiful
7 Y2 x* J5 a( R4 w' n" G/ ?5 ^ B) such a beautiful D) such beautiful a 3 S v2 Q, A7 H( `
# v/ n2 j$ n, w7 G' I( r1 j* M4 S, c* G$ ] x9 O- _; ^# [5 }
& B' L# Y6 p/ c' _0 h' f( d. j
5 Q m+ R- h3 Q& K3 j$ W% h9 {1 y
4 w% z4 H$ ^# _五、 翻译 (句子翻译意译即可)
1 r# m$ o- h6 G* L0 F+ C2 |* d8 |. t1、 提单 Bill of Lading
$ k3 b# F7 u$ y5 j8 M2、 海运费 Sea freight charge5 [& f7 O" P5 O/ {, G) K
3、 Logistics 物流
$ K# `, R# Y2 o" J' M+ O4、 信用证 Letter of Credit
; e' [8 ~6 ]! x% D5、 海关报关 Customs Declaration
" T s, T/ x0 C3 j6、 Assets(资产) are economic resources with the ability or potential to provide future benefits to a firm.
, I; I, h* f9 b4 R5 K0 h资产作为一个公司的经济资源,它为公司未来利润的产生提供了保证和可能。
+ I8 ~' V$ \! \) O. F* O! G- |
* D* N7 `( V/ G6 q2 Z
9 j4 d( }2 a5 J0 z7、 I am pleased to confirm that your quotation USD 1800 + BAF + DDC/20’DC CYCY for ocean freight from Shanghai to Long Beach is acceptable.
+ C& m% u1 C" G+ \% |6 }
6 m7 {7 h7 ~1 F' O我方乐意确认接收贵公司提供的关于上海到长滩的海运报价 干货USD1800/20’含燃油附加费./ k2 u) C+ z# j N# f C# |; ?2 J# T
h4 B5 i3 R t! X$ c0 f6 ^, d8、 贵司6月22日要求减免部分集装箱滞期费的E-MAIL收悉,经与船公司联系,船公司同意对于该笔滞期费给予30%的减免& ^3 {% K: n* C3 R8 N4 x- m
We acknowledged your email on 22nd June about you demand to rebate part of container demurrage. We have contacted with shipping forwarder, and they agreed to allow a 30% rebate for this demurrage.
7 s- h9 _0 Z7 T8 S, c% G$ O! v! o. C$ ?6 h: }. ~' i
+ ]# F2 b0 l) \. u& m; C3 A
9 U/ E0 D S0 h6 _ n
6、很抱歉地通知您,我们不能提供您所要求的海运价格。8 r! _( g$ \! i0 T+ z2 [
We regret to inform you that we couldn’t accept this sea freight price as you requested.# u1 `3 ]2 M: ?; O. _; W
1 i, v) b5 a Q& o7 |' S6 {+ ` t0 [% i ], ~8 r0 w, Z- v9 O
( Z. X x* l5 f {& r六、 写作' B/ m5 m1 k) Y1 u
1、(英文)你接到一家客户(ABC Company)的询价,这家公司有10X20’、5X40’玩具从上海出口到澳大利亚SYDNEY。你负责写一封回信给客户,告诉他我司报价为USD600/20’ USD1200/40’运价已包括USD50/USD100燃油附加费,我司可向客户返还2.5%的佣金。运价有效期至2002年7月31日。(说情内容即可)
# J. ^+ \9 h2 Z8 {( FDear Sir or Madam:
' e, g1 r! K+ j" S
& p3 B: F' h1 F6 \- AWe thank you for your enquiry and have pleasure in quoting as follow:
( D( E0 {4 L9 i9 d1 |. R+ XThe freight of 10X20’、5X40’ toys, from Shanghai to Sydeny by air, is USD600/20’and USD1200/40’ which includes airline fuel surcharge USD50/20’and USD100/40’. And, based on this price, we will rebate you a 2.5% commission. This price is valid until 31st July, 2002.; q- ~! r9 s1 E( X9 E) o- H+ d
We look forward to the pleasure of serving you./ j$ C9 ?+ R, m+ z7 R4 a
, J- Z0 J: T, P* R- `' GBest regards,
2 f, B F1 M k: l8 WLily. e" N9 H" ~% j' W. z7 a6 g
0 R( F, C- k2 O9 N5 B1 K7 ~ 2、(中文)你的客户(ABC Company)进口一批货物(20X40’),由AAA轮050航次6月1日到达上海,上海的免费用箱期为10天,由于贸易单证等原因,客户6月30日将空箱返还,产生了USD10,000的集装箱滞期费用,请写一份传真给船公司(COSCON)请求减免60%。(注意:请尽量通过此传真打动船公司,可以想一些理由,并注意传真格式和用辞)8 K7 Z, X2 P, y- O M
) ~" e9 \! v1 p- l9 ?& ~, h$ b7 s2 `8 b
Dear Sir or Madam,
7 _0 t: U% Q4 |8 |/ l2 G We are just informed by our customer ABC Company, due to the customs problem, their cargo of 20X40’ has been arrived in Shanghai on 1st June by Line AAA Voyage No050 but they could not return the container until 30th June. The reason is their shipping documents were delay. It would cause a high container demurrage amount to USD10, 000 since the free period of container usage in Shanghai is only 10 days. As ABC Company is our regular customer, please kindly consider we have a long period of successful cooperation, could you allow a favorite 60% rebate for this special case? Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.
5 D8 V6 `/ I4 ^( i8 m1 E2 PWe look forward to your early reply.
# y R+ ]% Z( H
2 [- I( Y5 F; w$ l5 [Best regards,
4 G! f+ L% |9 I5 Q8 rLily |