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发表于 2006-6-22 12:15:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
200 How would you like to proceed with the negotiations?/ k% w6 H) k( T$ ^- k
4 m8 ]% t+ a/ U  b* R9 f201 I';d like to know something about your foreign trade policy.
+ y* \$ u- b' q: y% F" W& B* m我非常想了解有关贵国对外贸易的政策。" N3 H" Z# N" p+ i
202 It is said that a new policy is being put into practice in your foreign trade.
! e" A# y% @2 u" a- W2 u% ^8 d据说你们正在实施一种新的对外贸易政策。& y4 O4 y3 Y( V8 l4 Z$ v" V0 k
203 Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.
# ~0 v2 T8 P( z; c" j( A" x6 u我们的对外贸易政策一向是以平等互利、互通有无为基础的。
: h- v8 f& U$ S1 W8 x204 We have adopted much more flexible methods in our dealings.
3 y" w1 L, L7 w- O我们在具体操作方法上灵活多了。3 `/ y, w9 O8 X
205 We have mainly adopted some usual international practices. ) J" W7 K; b4 R$ Y
- v% ~! B. n) g1 p0 [. G206 You have also made some readjustment in your import and export business, have you?
7 E/ ^2 |' C% j你们的进出口贸易也有一些调整,对吗?2 V2 _( o$ X* ^" ?8 O0 z& E
207 I';d like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country?) c8 Y. A% h' o8 @$ [
我想了解一下贵国的投资环境。' Y+ w" ]6 g( r
208 We are sure both of us have a brighter future.1 a1 G1 V( o  N
我们相信双方都有一个光明的前景。5 L' _! a. d7 w. M- M, y) z3 f$ ?3 H$ y
209 We had expected much lower prices.
& {+ w" x; T) c; Y! T. U) c我们希望报价再低一些。
! d: t( u( p2 ^8 G210 They are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere.
% P9 M$ l- J3 c/ Z0 I+ p这些报价比其它任何地方都要低得多。. [7 ]: D" P; W
211 I can show you other quotations that are lower than yours.
( _$ g, V. P. y我可以把比贵公司报价低得多的价目表给你看看。
2 Z% g' z1 W7 ]0 T8 ]212 When you compare the prices,you must take everything into consideration.
2 o! r, A& m% Q; X当你在考虑对比价格时,首先必须把一切都要考虑进去。4 ^7 f3 R& P; i1 h: F9 e# {2 @- `
213 I can assure you the prices we offer you are very favorable.
( A) [6 F6 T) P我敢保证我们向你提供的价位是合理的。
9 Y' o& l  L4 Q) a! n! F. F! T214 I don';t think you';ll have any difficulty in pushing sales.
; l8 a; c) ?$ u4 U1 x- R# b* o我认为你推销时不会有任何困难。
. R" a$ w+ E" e215 But the market prices are changing frequently.
8 W' Q, a' G" z# \7 O# O但是市场价格随时都在变化。
, D" W- k  J# V: t216 It';s up to you to decide.
/ m+ [3 W( w2 x1 m这主要取决于你。
# J8 h7 q% D9 g+ C217 The demand for our products has kept rising.
$ J. o; I7 s! A2 A4 f. k, l  i# X要求定购我们产品的人越来越多。& Z0 z0 R2 z) N4 U
218 How long will your offer hold good?
2 L8 b/ [0 R4 n: w一般你们报盘的有效期是多长?- S2 M1 ~* s8 R& B
219 We have new methods like compensation trade and joint ventrue.
- N8 G# H. l. k2 \4 n我们有补偿贸易和合资经营。) l  S& d- a8 O) i/ h
220 I think a joint venture would be beneficial to us both.* C) S6 f- U8 A/ r% W
4 b; u* H% _4 Y3 |221 Please give us your proposal if you';re ready for that.
6 j1 q; g1 J" U) {* N; u/ r, `如果你们愿意做合资经营,请提出你的方案。4 I- b5 S* c9 F3 j6 _
222 Here is our contract.
" D; N2 Z  ?. k- B" R. l这是我们的合同。2 ~& \  x* W/ X5 |2 ^
223 Please go over it and see if everything is in order.+ P8 R7 Z( Y4 K6 l% t8 \
请过目一下,看看是否一切妥当。; p2 J% [: n# Y: k  f, ^- N! y* V
224 Don';t you think we should add a sentence here like this?
5 v4 Y  ^/ E7 o* q难道你不觉得我们应该在这儿加上一句话?" v7 |; w9 u/ L) \% I8 i0 F
225 If one side fails to observe the contract,the other side is entitled to cancel it.
7 s/ d2 i( |! I5 P* |如果一方不履行合同协议,另一方则有权终止合同。
$ ^( Q$ Q# Z5 v0 F- P226 The loss for this reason should be charged by the side breaking the contract.
# r1 q7 Q! u# h3 Q/ `* {$ C造成的损失必须由毁约方承担。* v1 ^- G$ ]; |8 A
227 Do you have any comment on this clause.
4 J! ?- T. n0 J* [7 ?* n8 o你对这一条款有何看法?! C% M1 `+ V0 B! K
228 No wonder everyone speak highly of your commercial integrity.
, W+ b0 ^' w  W# n5 [. J难怪大家都极为推崇你们的商业信誉。
$ b6 `. l, j$ K3 e8 d. f3 V3 F1 ?229 It is our permanent principle that contracts are honored and commercial integrity is maintained.; r5 N$ R1 ^* P5 T  i' J
" h* D* @9 z8 l7 B6 F" C; E& C230 Anything else you want to bring up for discussion.1 B; n$ T. y/ R. r
你还有什幺问题要提出来供双方讨论的吗?; W% F0 _1 }( X9 h4 y. ~' T- j* T
231 You may rest assured that the shipment will be duly delivered.; d" `0 b( Z: o8 `/ A6 }8 u! t
你们尽可放心,我们会按时交货的。$ g8 E6 \. o: h5 Y6 t- ^6 B9 g. G
232 We must have your LC at least one month before the time of shipment.
) Q6 i$ a# Y9 d6 [2 ]我们必须在船运前一个月收到你们的信用证。) p: Y5 U  n9 m$ p) ^: l. E" r- z
233 The contract contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiations.
! l  o! @7 H. i" j! W! E合同将我们达成协议的内容基本上都写上了。
$ ]2 o& B# a0 p7 a) d234 I hope no questions about the terms.
- n# ^+ W: _4 s" A; z1 }. @我看合同的条款没有什幺问题了。
4 W& w; w7 l! Y4 s6 O% y235 I';m glad our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.
' {5 C3 V) f, e我很高兴这次洽谈圆满成功。
0 ^8 A2 \0 [0 X. m4 L236 I hope this will lead to further business between us.* _- M5 l: J, B, Y% @% `
我希望这次交易将使我们之间的贸易得到进一步发展。# q- _0 R5 f% A. E& ]# U
237 We';ll sign two originals, each in Chinese and English language.
' c1 \) b1 }. S3 k: t2 \, v我们将要用中文和英语分别签署两份原件。( B- E5 M5 V' z- w* r
238 I am ready to sign the agreement.
, a" \6 \  t9 \$ E8 A+ G4 L我已经准备好了签合同。" `; l8 r" p- e3 t: b% Z4 F- `  u
239 I';m sure you need an original signature, not a faxed copy.
& G4 X1 _* T- f+ O9 f2 C0 |2 v1 a我知道你们需要的是原件,不是传真件。
6 Q6 k$ Q7 ^# ^: ~2 f9 t7 [240 So I will receive and sign it overnight.
7 g/ p% M2 E0 |; j3 x那幺,我明天就可以收到并且签上名了。# p8 V1 U$ j4 q- R4 M' ]2 Z$ w
241 We';ll still be able to meet the deadline.
+ W. u6 ~  E+ G( ]0 k* p6 K: e' o我们还是可以赶上最后期限的。( q7 U# r! ]. B3 n1 ?/ J
242 I will keep you posted.
  _3 u; [) Q7 D. o9 O我会与你保持联络。+ {3 n1 f1 N2 [
243 What is your hurry?& b9 }0 R5 Y. s7 b2 |$ g9 [* [4 A
. K! K% N4 J% g+ J$ ~244 I';m sorry to burst in on you like this, but I';m really upset.6 ]* t# ~: p+ K' f$ C; W
我很抱歉这样突然地找您,但我真的很心烦。9 N5 F6 c' K$ D3 m: k6 `3 S- y
245 What on earth has happened to trouble you so?
) V* K. G  l5 V% ~到底发生什幺事让您如此发愁?* p+ N* {) K; d3 ?
246 I';m afraid I have bad news for you.3 ^% P. \- Q" @
恐怕我有坏消息要告诉您。- q% f% v' z0 J7 t$ v  R; p
247 The woolen sweaters you delivered do not match the sample we provided.
0 Z0 K' @$ T% ^9 A你们交货的羊毛衫和我厂提供的样品不一致。
) o2 j' I8 L  `% E  b$ x8 N248 You agreed that we could make a little change in design if necessary., _/ z* [$ R2 F0 Q* }! x5 F, `. Y, d) B
可你们曾经答应这,如有必要,图案可以稍作改动。7 F) a. y; |( A4 W9 F' w  Z
249 Our clients are very critical on quality.5 c5 q0 j2 w6 c) g  W1 o7 K2 n
, S9 Y: y! d+ F0 z5 U  \4 b9 j5 N250 What do you want us to do?
, M9 }$ Z! ]7 m% S您看怎幺办好?
$ g0 e, a8 N/ d! t: h+ {251 Our clients want a replacement.
; M6 x% @! W  x( P/ i5 j: N- l我们的客户要求换货。5 Q; W- _6 }! d7 ]9 e
252 It';s a bit too hard.' h( L7 t. `* |4 p) Q: c; j
* y5 S  p. c( G8 H3 B253 It';s only the background color that';s not identical.
" N4 Y" G$ u8 O这仅仅是图案的底色不同而已。 4 M; t, |& c% @+ \; J* M
254 It sounds like a reasonable solution.
0 Y' z" y' C- M" }. m4 X2 d  |& V这个解决办法还比较合理。0 w5 ?5 ?4 g- {
255 You are saying you turn on the computer and see nothing?
& E& }/ S& n$ b5 q- Z你的意思是你把计算机打开后什么也看不见?
% X# r" a3 f8 h% ^, r, }256 I would say that you have a larger problem than just the monitor.
* {& J8 t" E5 v4 D$ |8 `9 P我想你的问题比较大,不只是显示器的问题。9 n- }1 `' x2 \+ W. c" i
257 Whatever it is, I need this computer to work./ G; R6 a% A7 b7 m
* ^$ S3 B: a% D9 y2 ~258 Is there any way you could bring it in to be looked at?
7 \7 B7 b* Z5 M9 R, H你有没有办法把它带过来,让我们看一看?5 q) z; U* R4 d9 K8 W+ ]8 s
259 If not, our repairman can come to you., M! E" x' s' X2 Q' m
8 ]$ l$ v1 d9 Q6 m- }6 [260 I would prefer if he comes here.
" E% U# v( _5 W9 \' r我倒愿意他去我们那里。
9 `- O9 b+ |4 Y) {2 L1 G4 L) @261 Our first bill came yesterday, and we have some questions.
1 `7 B% ^+ M3 c' V% I1 w% R, b- P/ e我们昨天收到的第一张帐单,有一些问题。) E1 E, {) w3 ]+ X2 V! h
262 I sure hope I can answer them for you.
$ I0 w3 ^- b1 E* d4 V我真的希望我能回答你的问题。
* U" n0 c; `; Y263 It does appear that way.
2 B$ x+ U. u8 v+ }, B5 w( X: E( K是的,看起来好象是这样的。
8 |$ P$ _4 w% R" R+ L264 Let me do some research on this and get back with you tomorrow.
9 U) Y( S5 d: H请让我查查看,明天再给你答复。
( x5 h/ V; r( E" h265 As they are in such a damaged condition, we doubt we will be able to take delivery.
6 P9 t. N6 }' ^) K. v5 m1 E由于它们残损如此严重,恐怕我们无法提货。+ r+ z0 f3 o8 C2 v% l* ]
266 Do you know the percentage of the damaged portion?* \# Z0 J- U: p3 n: {4 F; Q
你们知道残损部分的百分比吗?. }/ p5 g4 X* B( H
267 We should require a survey report, so that we may know the extent of the damage.
. o& [2 {7 |" ^* D我们将要求出具检验报告,以便我们能了解损坏的程度。$ h; y9 V  T- i6 c  Y
268 You can see for yourselves the damaged condition and the reason why they are unassailable.* }6 K; l) K: [6 I
$ L5 D) g4 f: F5 l! n# U% r2 S269 We should make it clear whether the damage was caused in transit or during the unloading process, or by other reasons.+ X: ~, o  Q2 |. b" I: Z
+ w' ]5 l1 q5 R( d: x6 j270 The goods were carefully packed and shipped here in excellent condition.
* v$ c. V2 T2 e货物包装得很仔细,装船很小心,在这儿完好无损。
6 |/ T9 ]3 }. o271 Then the damage must be caused at somewhere along the line where the goods weren';t handled properly.
0 {7 [/ {; a& X/ M& v& L6 I- [8 u! s那么残损一定是在运输途中的什么地方对货物处理不妥造成的。
, P8 g( t7 S0 O, j272 I would like to present our comments in the following order.
' \& n. ?% t9 f. r* X我希望能依照以下的顺序提出我们的看法。
& I7 w1 V/ [7 T# v6 J+ s273 First of all, I will outline the characteristics of our product.
- R. f7 O$ I7 D3 ^- F5 @' m- g首先我将简略说明我们商品的特性。
1 a& g. u3 Z5 ]" `274 When I present my views on the competitive products, I will refer to the patent situation.$ B: t8 b3 E: V2 f) P
专利的情况会在说明竞争产品时一并提出。; H' i2 U+ d5 U$ p+ s( N
275 Please proceed with your presentation.
$ e" z4 W, _; U5 b# i3 I5 j  U3 S+ i请开始你的简报。
9 w& _4 V: v( X8 u6 O& B276 Yes, we have been interested in new system.9 C# P1 @; @4 s  ?3 r
% o: g0 \! F9 [! M277 Has your company done any research in this field?
9 B9 ?0 w% d) I2 k% d请问贵公司对此范畴做了任何研究吗?
' R, n" H7 w. S" Q3 x5 r' M278 Yes, we have done a little. But we have just started and have nothing to show you.5 q9 Q  B9 k4 k% Y* p: `' F' m  S6 N
+ C8 T- C8 d$ C0 O279 If you are interested, I will prepare a list of them.
5 @5 F; V: Y; G# S! O3 R! t, M如果您感兴趣的话,我可以列表让你参考。
- S7 M; O, `( m* }! X8 p, r) B280 By the way, before leaving this subject, I would like to add a few comments.
* n/ {) R( w9 S! g% t/ ]在结束这个问题之前顺便一提,我希望能再提出一些看法。) h' W0 a  b+ f! P8 R
281 I would like to ask you a favor.& ~* H- b2 J) x; ?; \1 N5 t
# c- A( f- k" U8 w7 ?282 Would you let me know your fax number?+ S) x4 I2 S* A0 m  l
可以告诉我您的传真机号码吗?$ j8 @- @& m1 I( E! ?
283 Would it be too much to ask you to respond to my question by tomorrow?
, K" G8 [7 n/ E- }  C# N可以请你在明天以前回复吗?
2 l* M3 d% S/ i5 B" X284 Could you consider accepting our counterproposal?
8 y7 Z/ J' O& z; N0 s- L, f你能考虑接受我们的反对案吗?1 y2 c2 u7 s# T2 B5 `
285 I would really appreciate your persuading your management.
" d; v7 \0 {  I6 o# m如果你能说服经营团队,我会很感激。
* m+ x! n) p" Y286 I would like to suggest that we take a coffee break.4 o( Y8 H& n  J0 B' o, k, O6 Z# L7 h
5 |; g7 L" ^5 H0 T) Y0 l& o9 T5 w* G( K287 Maybe we should hold off until we have covered item B on our agenda.
( e0 K" ~  q, e7 g也许我们应该先谈论完B项议题。
: s& [5 H- `4 x$ _' O9 o! k( ^288 As a matter of fact, we would like to discuss internally regarding item B.  Y1 c9 a" a' |
( V  R- n- K2 R7 l289 I see. Let';s break now.! u: V% x$ Z- w2 \- n
我了解,让我们休息一下吧。% ?* P: C4 \4 Y) b3 C
290 Shall we take a break?7 j* y) A4 g6 Q/ \7 Q$ k4 H( L. |
  \+ z- S1 B( g291 Let us take a break now.
' h" E/ |9 I. ?4 X9 g让我们休息一下。: [( v  @6 s8 X7 M, s1 Z- b, H
292 Let me suggest we take a break.
4 z7 a' p& P/ j- Q我建议我们休息一下。  p. c' @7 P9 f2 c1 g. I, P
293 May I propose that we break for coffee now?. L$ w3 |2 r" ]( ?
我可以提议休息一下,喝杯咖啡吗?( L7 N- H: e) h
294 If you insist, I will comply with your request.1 b/ _  K* x) C
/ v- ~2 u- F- Y7 C' h# W5 a295 We must stress that these payment terms are very important to us.
/ E, i& l$ O4 N我们必须强调这些付款条件对我们很重要。
0 w- w. E) g  S+ w296 Please be aware that this is a crucial issue to us.
9 Y4 T% _) N$ K请了解这一点对我们至关重要。: ]' F+ b: r8 t5 T2 e7 N
297 I do not know whether you realize it, but this condition is essential to us.) p% b/ n, S6 Z1 t8 ]/ o9 ?' @, X
我不知道你是否了解,但是,这个条件对我们是必要的。1 W7 w2 |+ {+ a: ~6 s1 Z2 ~8 S7 L
298 Our policy is not to grant exclusivity." S! F7 r* `) R5 W  J  `
- X+ E% N2 x; `8 H- u$ ?299 There should always be exceptions to the rule.7 S4 X& }% Y9 x. @4 ~# _$ e8 X( H- N
凡事总有例外。- n6 a/ Z* z- Z, [
300 I would not waste my time pursuing that.
# X" g. g7 B& Y2 v% w! g如果是我的话,不会将时间浪费在这里。
' e0 K1 S2 Z& g301 I would like to ask you a question.
7 b! R, Z8 |( r0 T/ V我想问你一个问题。
6 R- [( Z$ ~' R5 i& d- ?302 Yes. Please do.
$ N8 u- i: Z0 a; b$ ?! d好,请说。
; R( f# v; S7 Y' N/ E303 Would you care to answer my question on the warranty?9 O7 U& d. ?. }# ]3 p; y/ V+ i
你可以回答我有关保证的问题吗?9 w& i0 c2 ?$ X2 |
304 I do not know whether you care to answer right away.
( m- a- f2 o8 P* }& q我不知道你是否愿意立即回答。/ V( m/ F9 W/ H) M
305 I have to raise some issues which may be embarrassing.
# t: S# q; l2 n8 W1 ?4 [9 h我必须提出一些比较尴尬的问题。
5 z5 Q+ o- N. S; ~306 Sorry, but could you kindly repeat what you just said?
. P9 k- c  m9 N, j+ J) d+ w0 \抱歉,你可以重复刚刚所说的吗?; N4 G7 e- m( b- z6 C5 L
307 It would help if you could try to speak a little slower.
6 h$ J9 M* C) ~) D- A4 K5 J( u请你尽量放慢说话速度。" a5 z' H+ z" J( @& Z! G1 s" M
308 I will try.
  T4 _9 X8 {" `; D; B我会试试看。
# I5 n* g3 V+ y- N/ f9 V# J7 `309 Could you please explain the premises of your argument in more detail?
" ^0 a% @9 K) E7 B: ?4 F2 y你能详细说明你们的论据吗?1 m4 [3 R8 ]! D* c
310 It will help me understand the point you are trying to make.) P' w- w5 E  |3 m. |0 {* ~
9 z0 p( |' s9 m: m1 ]311 We cannot proceed any further without receiving your thoughts with respect to the manner of payment.
' w# `& k0 b- D0 U2 R8 W2 j% e我们如果不了解你们对付款方式的意见,便不能进一步检讨。
* q5 R6 q, I" Z5 h312 Actually, my interest was directed more towards what particular markets you foresee for our product.0 x/ h/ G8 ~. d
事实上,我关心的是贵公司对我们产品市场的考量。+ \& ]! Z  P- Z+ X0 ?, f7 S  _) q
313 We really need more specific information about your technology." v/ s0 s- K" O5 r6 s# l' i+ w
我们需要与贵公司技术相关更专门的资讯。0 u: r4 H% G' Z4 i7 d* ]
314 Our project must proceed at a reasonably quick tempo. Surely one month is ample time, isn';t it?
7 J! K  q" c" V这个计划必须尽速进行。一个月的时间应该够了吧?5 K! i, o+ J0 U
315 I will try, but no promises.; N, X$ u2 u+ Y2 p( j
我会试试看,但是不敢保证。5 |' X  z3 z( Y
316 I could not catch your question. Could you repeat it, please?" {# x7 t1 l. Z! b8 G$ W
我没听清楚你们的问题,你能重复一次吗?  }; u/ F( l. l( c
317 You are welcome.% i( T5 m; W# z- |9 z
不客气。0 W) B1 [2 Y7 G6 f9 M1 U
318 The following answer is subject to official confirmation.
, ?4 R+ c1 x6 a, g& `以下的答案必须再经过正式确认才有效。, e/ Q8 \7 V2 w: K0 W1 z
319 Let me give you an indication.) l" I5 W3 {( ^) V- {- S
我可以提示一个想法。4 u+ D: j& t7 i* U
320 Please remember this is not to be taken as final.3 Y2 o! _& H- {% Q+ T( g
+ |, M! g& d# ~1 c321 Let us imagine a hypothetical case where we disagree.
+ g6 Z( F( n7 \' ^% O让我们假设一个我们不同意的状况。- U2 X, u. o2 q. \  K$ P5 Y
322 Just for argument';s sake, suppose we disagree.
/ l* z6 S( X+ B$ B" x为了讨论各种情形,让我们假设我方不同意时的处理方法。
2 P+ N$ T- q) G' P6 m* b5 k323 There is no such published information.0 n/ ?- y* }" A2 R) Q
* O- t" v( Y0 k/ C324 Such data is confidential.8 K; {+ ~6 Y. L0 G! A/ J: t
. F( x' q" ^1 t325 I am not sure such data does exist.7 u: J1 c! O0 u
7 p4 N, U( F) A! h4 s, T326 It would depend on what is on the list.
3 ~( c) V  M2 X这要看列表内容。
7 Q/ l; Q# W6 p327 We need them urgently.8 C9 k) \' Y% r
: n( x- U; {* b) c328 All right. I will send the information on a piecemeal basis as we acquire it.
) `. Y2 ?. q( d9 O9 x7 L4 b好。我们收齐之后会立即寄给你。0 n3 A& m5 c7 w
329 I would like to talk to Mr. Liu.
* l% k7 j, {$ f; {7 r# R; z我想请刘先生来听电话。' y8 q( j" k2 W* F
330 May I speak to Mr. Johnson, please?% l4 i, H" m0 U
我想请约翰先生听电话好吗?3 o3 o: }+ \9 q; s! J
331 May I speak to your boss?( ~+ ]# T* f8 j# I% b% Y9 [
+ |" C9 x3 q6 m: Z332 Give me someone who can speak English.
( ]$ Q" H( [& j  [* o找一位能讲英语的人来。. b/ k& H  F+ B6 |) N8 m: }$ w
333 Is there anyone who can speak English.0 Q4 M0 \6 U+ t
请问有没有会讲英语的?6 k  e$ D. _) R* p
334 I would like to talk with someone in charge.* m4 L2 h' _; C5 `$ r( W
8 `- h& f: j: u: J" f8 Y. ^335 I would like to talk to your chief.
( z% }- e0 G' h7 D9 t1 `我想请你们主管讲话。2 E4 H* D* U* V* E3 F
336 Let me talk to Mr. Wang.
/ t5 `" g( @1 }- V/ T5 }3 A我要请王先生讲话。4 i! X% V; D: B6 n* T+ U
337 Can I speak to Mr. Li?
* k) t- t+ D" \8 \" [我能请李先生讲话吗?6 G1 I' X1 N& c
338 When is he expected to be back?
( ?6 H# j- b3 g5 v3 M) L! H+ C+ d他什么时候回来?: f: I" d9 ?4 N, X8 _4 Z
) u* f8 l5 M# b0 }" J: _3 L( ~; ~
339 Do you know when he will be back?* w5 @3 o0 h( Y: Y
你知道他什么时候会回来?( _4 b8 ^) h1 [1 K1 x2 C
340 Can you tell me what time Mr. chen will be back ?3 D5 `$ e  R) r" {: t% ?. v: Q
你能否告诉我陈先生何时会回来?/ f% n: M8 h/ R
341 Who is this ,please?
! @& i5 O' s8 ^$ N5 E+ ]  c0 D请问你是哪一位?/ e4 L6 }: Y# u0 D+ V9 G+ _" _* H/ t
342 Who is calling, please?$ ], Q. X% ?) K# J4 o- J( v' s
请问你是谁?& n0 O8 f1 U$ F) B) S9 V# y
343 May I have your name?
, o- f6 h& e; ?# P请问你姓名?- w4 o" A' X) j2 x+ B
344 Whom are you calling?! v9 A! U9 }- T$ R7 q
& v  G2 b1 s+ \3 b345 Will you please spell his name for me?( V) @) d$ D( p8 {( I+ r
请你把他的名字拼给我好吗?3 i* ~; w; b, x* E: ^
346 Please say it again.
' T9 `0 O9 N+ }! w" M& \4 a请再说一遍。
" a  E5 ?. a; n! R# ^. s, ]4 U* [347 Would you speak a little louder?, B8 M6 k$ X2 b' S
# J9 q9 ~- s3 l3 R4 |) v348 Will you speak up, please?( C4 t2 v- G9 T6 r- l
请你大声一点好吗?; L/ L+ f8 M8 G* v% X. }$ E5 i
349 Will you speak more slowly?
, ?) x. e, o, G请你说慢一点好吗?+ ~. u9 I4 e0 o1 p0 P5 R+ `% E
350 Mr. Wang is not in now.% M- n) }% _+ S, D+ \8 S, e- T( y$ t
王先生现在不在此地。2 u. X& w1 T" r- G
351 He is not in now.8 V, k9 |& x; f8 y) T- l) U
6 T& n, _) s8 E3 O352 He has not come in yet.! j4 d5 t3 L$ c+ I
他还没有来。9 W4 ^  b7 E/ O! R: ~- `
353 He will be here in 30 minutes.
8 U4 Q1 X; q6 [1 y1 j3 s他在三十分钟内会到这里。
! v9 e4 o# |2 h354 He has gone home.4 Q/ j3 j( F% Y. }* N
他已经回家去了。, M2 z2 }( o' i
355 He is in conference.
- c/ ^& \4 a+ ^1 a2 ~6 _他正在开会。
6 ?7 R7 l3 D0 I  O- A356 May I take your message?
5 F  s# l5 A0 V+ r& {你需要留言吗?
5 _! t! d8 V1 j" m) r( t357 May I have him call you back?" Y9 `! @' B$ p6 v, B! I6 Z
$ t) x  W. n1 m' s358 I am sorry Mr. Chen is unavailable, would you like to speak to anyone else?9 @% p) W( c& w  p' ?6 R! ~
8 Q8 C6 w+ @2 F& Z1 e0 }' U5 N6 F359 I will transfer this call to Mr. Chen.) \, c, K# |9 o" G- u8 U* \
我把这个电话转给陈先生。6 M: W' Y, S" o( V
360 Would you hold the line, please, I will find out his number for you.8 r; W# j! U) r3 p6 \2 e+ r
  o, K( w5 B, o1 L5 m361 I am sorry to keep you waiting.
" r) e2 |: S, ?5 _3 @真抱歉,让你久等了。
% t( r+ V( q  Z" A, T362 His extension number is 285.* |; P9 \- b. C5 x9 h
他的分机号码是285。% o; _: ^! {* o) P- B4 O- O9 O4 q5 i
5 l  b5 S5 ~# i6 w- c
363 He is speaking on another phone.6 O4 c% \+ S, q  {9 s" M* b
他正在接听别的电话。& @  k. G6 _- `  c- _
364 Would you please take a message?
" y' [+ o+ s# y+ m' [+ r0 U5 E请你代我留话好吗?, N1 C3 {3 l/ j  `7 J9 s( N; B
365 Would you like to leave any message?- l1 ]: [" T4 U
你要留什么话吗?# T  l3 `& z" B) v, d
366 I would like to place a station-to-station call.8 \  q! N) G) o& l6 q
我要打一个叫号电话。$ P; U: H5 I9 ?$ }
367 I would like to place a person-to-person call.
$ T' q# k, N9 l. k/ ]. A- k" }& l我要打一个叫人电话。
2 H& O: k! b; S  z1 z4 k8 k368 I don';t know how to do that.
: \! @7 z8 ]4 r: {6 t+ J我不知道该怎么打。
- d- e5 y4 H' B: L/ x369 Will you accept the charge.
( t: p! U! f: S: ?1 M( D你愿意付电话费用吗?! l" M5 T7 W, ^0 v4 y$ Q
370 Where is the telephone office?
1 J! y8 ^# G/ H7 H电话局在什么地方?
4 [, x& X8 _- @( q3 a371 Is there a public phone near here?1 A; `- c2 T$ J* D  g& l; w; K# J
这附近有公用电话吗?% u6 `, l5 u3 |: }7 J% v. k$ n, h
372 Do you have a coin for the phone?
/ U8 ?/ _/ [( X6 J, N# j$ u你有打电话的硬币吗?
7 j/ w4 r5 K% x( r2 F; Y3 h8 ?( k373 How do I call this number?. c& Y4 Z: s0 ?0 |7 ^
" X( ~6 `1 @0 x# r7 Q! D6 }374 Do you have a phone book(directory)?
: n7 h1 R1 y7 C8 B你有电话簿吗?
' O0 x% A- R6 T. s375 I would like to make a long distance call to Taibei.% B/ z$ Q, ?# |# Y1 p1 t# p
我想打个长途电话到台北去。& `% K' V+ j+ n4 W7 `5 }7 O
376 I want to make an overseas call to the United States?
% p: b4 |( I3 b- `3 A5 Y/ w3 o  q我想打个电话到美国去。
" [& V. L9 Q3 O" ^+ f0 r  j( j& [377 How much is a call to the United states?
5 y2 B( R# Q7 x3 v% N& m2 m打一个电话到美国去需要多少钱?) L, b$ E, |3 d) w" j; c  d
378 Will you please call me back?
1 r0 V  y- H( J/ b% k请你回我一个电话好吗?, P; [! h2 W) _( {" ]; H
379 May I use your telephone?
- s+ V6 f: s- _% N' x6 u' F我可以用你的电话吗?( [5 Z8 @/ k& C9 Z8 ^
380 Someone is using the phone.0 X# n8 H3 u8 \6 H* b$ Z. h' F' E
% J2 X4 f& b* H. w# v7 F9 B$ w* K381 Do you have an extension?* w9 j) V; k. B2 [1 k
: A1 R3 o& x# p9 y6 {0 ~382 We don';t have an extension.  N$ `2 H' [# v* V! P7 R7 M
我们没有分机。6 S" Z9 O  \" L( U; C  [
383 There is a phone booth in the corner.
" @% Y& X# {& b+ U- \, k  @在转角处有个电话亭。* R  a4 x" C# z, M2 P7 K% r
384 It is a pay phone .
# O& K, `* W/ c( x8 Z! }那是一个付费电话。1 `" W7 h0 a/ ]! e7 L
385 Whom do you want to call?3 R/ Q* Y: |3 R5 d" d& J
" M- ~+ n6 g- ?! S8 `6 W+ A& O, T386 I want to make a local call.
7 q8 G" @' A+ M, I我要打个市内电话。& {: M: o0 D' [. T
387 What is the number?. @/ j' r' T9 B& D
5 ?/ k& A+ z  J9 k/ c/ X# Q388 Call information for the number." |* K, ~  W! \: p0 z4 t
打查号台查询电话号码。: |' F6 b1 T7 W  j9 n8 u" l% m8 j
389 The phone seems to be out of order.
4 e" p( [5 @5 `7 X电话好像出故障了。
; d! V7 B4 n" L390 I tried several times to call, but there is no answer.
: W* w. ]3 ?( _9 ~. I3 S我打了几次,但是没有人回答。, _5 v2 ^, q7 [7 Y% w* v" d5 K
391 I ';m going to dial the number.
2 m5 R6 [  ~5 L& P) r- K我要拨这个号码。3 ~! S) B* K. h% X9 ]
392 The telephone is ringing.
" \5 F& q9 u1 a3 r电话铃响了。
: e1 ^7 ~  f+ l. `; s393 No one is answering the phone..$ u- X  i, k! W/ C; B8 s
没有人接电话。# n. M8 j7 d1 H( l; x! e/ g
394 My friend phoned me at 10 a.m. Yesterday.& z8 P1 h5 f2 e2 t
我的朋友昨天上午10点打电话给我。1 y7 B$ ]- k/ C! R
395 The phone is busy.) Y- ?: R! T/ Z7 s# ]9 H$ G: |3 t9 K
电话占线。  D$ z$ H" _% f4 e0 r
396 Sorry to have kept you waiting." D" b5 Z2 G* S2 }' N8 f" g
8 H- N, D  R+ O/ H4 r% L9 }  {397 Who do you want to speak to ?( Z! w8 R' S! R) j, M
" \! l, H/ q4 r" a398 What number are you calling?) J' y) \0 t2 ?% @5 u2 x
你打什么号码?. _9 ]1 O# P3 `2 X8 D* U. R' p
399 Operator, you gave me a wrong number.* t9 ?, Z, \8 ^& l
总机,你给我接错号码了。) k! n+ W2 A, u9 r! X
400 Where are you calling from?
* F8 D6 N/ P' ~& c. ]* l8 [. z! j你从哪打来的?
( \, Z" U! Z4 `' c401 I';m calling from a public phone.) L' K% y) N' c" a3 K' g
我打的是公用电话。 ( h( ?1 j+ K. ], u
402 Contact me by telephone.: U0 J! A$ f; `! h+ S
电话跟我联络。) q8 h. p0 x  W3 z  V1 i! x% r; P
403 I will be in between six and eight.
* ~7 H7 _1 J1 j# @1 e我6点至8点都在。
( ~0 s9 I: T! s4 {$ A404 I will be here all night.
, {1 S8 k1 P0 j9 J& S3 F我整晚都在这里。" h& @0 z& K) D; A( j, R
405 All right, I will be waiting for you .
3 a/ C$ {1 R" [4 r9 y  F4 ~好的,我会等候你的。
/ Q  {" H, y  Y6 T406 Hello, is this the home of Mr. Chen?
8 f. G, ^6 o- [% x. y% y喂,是陈先生的家吗?4 S" N/ n$ \8 f+ e6 ]- X
407 Hello. I wish to speak to Mr.Chen?
% G* o! j2 X* y: R' w喂,我想和陈先生讲话。- {9 C' m- E2 h5 P
408 Will you please repeat it?
  b% G" j- W3 Z; O9 N请你重说一遍好吗?) `+ i' C0 ?$ S& `
409 He has left already .* d! U$ ]1 S' F- K/ n6 M
他已经离开了。5 n% f  M% I7 ^/ _/ W1 [
410 He is attending a conference now.
+ r* B+ I( W# [1 C1 M+ k他正在出席会议。
1 Z6 ?$ T! r8 z' y$ i( W7 d411 Hello, This is operator.9 w" Y) H' v# X7 p+ L- F) N- Z9 @
喂!我是接线员。( I  d0 U# f# Y' k8 Y) a# W
412 I';ll call you up later.
0 s- x' e$ u5 }5 A& f0 W我稍后会打电话给你。
" U4 C3 o- V' F3 ?$ ]2 r1 w413 May I talk to Mr.McCoy?  C9 ?& {  i2 t3 X& c
% Y+ d+ U( [# ^- n414 May I use the telephone?: C3 R! ~% d3 n7 e3 g4 h
/ [2 n$ |9 z$ c' }415 This is Shen calling., x; [) ?8 a" T6 e, s& f
我姓沈。/ W0 F1 x' Y0 h0 p9 o5 T
416 Is that Mr.Shen?& `; F$ Z' B' }6 P6 q" m. L, U
" P! g4 n0 B0 i. [6 u5 X417 Yes, this is Shen speaking.3 A* \+ J% J4 R: Q+ C& R, j3 t& Z
! I; Y3 C8 S" b/ @4 e( E418 Whom do you want to talk to?
& a0 Z8 U7 ~  p你要和谁讲话?
, |# Q/ G; q4 I! }3 M+ R419 I';d like to speak to Mr. Jack.
, B, K+ i  i. }, @& d! \* P+ i我要和杰克先生讲话。
2 r* M' b% t+ g9 P+ S: u  h1 I420 I';ll connect you with his office.4 a# \" S; w$ _0 a4 _+ e
4 t0 A" K( c5 q* D- K9 _421 Sorry kept you waiting so long. You are on ./ R+ A9 e, k4 k3 u; M  g
抱歉让你久等了,接通了。# k# a/ q% d, Z* Q9 U# }3 f" v7 }5 c
422 The line is busy.
% U$ x1 p- D- B% H9 V# ]: H占线。: M$ |7 i' k& C& X* v5 p
423 No answer.
3 x1 ?0 I& c; b# s没有人接电话。
3 t0 x/ \  Q( @" z( `/ A424 He is on the phone.
) Q4 o. m2 W, e5 E; p1 ^# l5 c他正在通话。0 B5 g0 W* b2 S
425 This telephone line is interrupted.
' D7 s; Z0 B' _( u, N+ h+ l这个电话不通。# Q0 _8 [" }+ o
426 The wire has got crossed.2 l( k! l+ n9 L; U+ P
电话串线了。 7 D8 k- K0 P8 K- f; o3 a3 z0 N& E2 C
427 Who is speaking?+ H1 T2 X& ^- e+ g
请问是谁打来的?$ m# J: u. @/ a7 b
428 I';m afraid you have the wrong number.
1 n8 Y" s" x1 z恐怕你打错号码了。, Q+ {* T& I$ m+ C8 v. x& Z3 J7 Z
429 I';ll calling 265-5822.
  ]& }" V. H# V3 p打265-5822。
3 H) `0 }( B+ o. j; ]( Y430 Please ring off.
; v* ?0 n# B/ B9 c请挂电话。3 N" z7 A& \5 z* {9 i- \
431 I';ll call you back.- G+ H' y# w  z
7 E3 r; z' h3 {2 j2 t. ~4 F432 Let me talk to her over the phone.
4 v+ x5 l5 ~/ ]! |7 v9 @; U让我在电话中和她讲些话。
7 B& V7 f4 l2 Q3 b% B' B7 q0 y433 Would you call Miss Shen to the telephone?
; Y$ m; A6 x8 |请你叫沈小姐来接电话好吗?4 T5 z& F. f4 Y0 W( E- Y! l
434 Sorry, She is out. Shall I take a message?
0 B6 O" s) E6 z抱歉,她外出了,你要留口信吗?; h( D/ ?; {! E7 Q' R1 B- O
435 I';m going to put on to her.
0 [+ N8 x" G; g我会请她回电话。$ o; K1 F2 x& z' c: H2 C1 i" T
436 The voice is not distinct.
- Q! x- _$ {' C; `2 o9 N5 I) R6 I/ a声音不清楚。( `, p4 v8 L! q) S5 H1 a8 ?
437 Give me a ring at my office.
: n2 l( @. h/ F1 Z; I打电话到我办公室。; ]' [6 S4 o+ N2 w# o) N
438 I';d like to make an overseas call to Taibei, Taiwan by collect call.
! b6 f1 t& W& Y8 Z我要打对方付费的电话到台湾的台北。6 D7 X+ u  g% H: w* A, ^$ ^
439 Can I fix an overseas call to London by person-to-person call?8 P7 ]( l) N' Y' {! q
我要打到伦敦的叫人电话好吗?0 |( V( X6 H& O
440 What is your part';s name?
3 b+ K( v, y( ?8 h/ e+ v  k) {9 q' s' A对方的姓名是什么?% }+ v. A3 s" Y% ]$ |( ~
441 How do you spell your last name?! S  {9 d" [1 w' y7 X" A) O
你的姓是怎样拼写的?4 t6 s' W' `( b$ O% N) i/ D; Q
442 Pound Sterling please.7 y2 L# d/ ^2 k
请换成英镑吧。$ S* z! u* c3 K/ K& A4 {
443 Well, er, in your case, I see no reason why not. What';s your proposition?) D" m+ p1 M4 j
- I  E' [2 R/ v* a1 k444 Is there any interest on this money?/ {- G) b4 W# t$ z$ A4 b
0 W9 T; f/ n; i/ B; M6 f7 _& |0 {0 e0 P% p445 Yes, sir. Your account was overdrawn 15 dollars on the 12th of this month.$ ~% r: F. N7 l5 U# w: U
4 Z9 M$ C" j* f" R: R8 V446 According to the regulations, sir, you';ll have to reimburse the bank for the amount paid." H3 |: n- o- l
根据规定,先生,您应该补偿银行付的那笔款了。* E6 a* |7 W( ]7 d+ H4 O3 }
447 I want to buy some traveller';s checks.$ \: Q$ B% k) g0 f9 u  a  d
我想买些旅行支票。% Z5 u8 O! A- Q  X" _. U& y2 k
448 I have been told you have just changed the interest rate on savings accounts. Is that true?6 A0 w) Y' p+ M. P# ^8 F
" N" ?. }9 F$ E/ Y& o449 Have you got your cheque book with you?( a% t& ~$ X* R) Q' ~3 N; W
- i- ?/ _# N, A: ~, Q450 The amount you want to transfer.
8 x6 h6 [/ s+ Y: a& D您要转帐的金额。
/ ~6 c9 \' j& n9 z: Q4 T; q451 The cheque will be cleared in about three days.  z( T2 Y) j( c5 R, T/ h# ~3 f
大概在3天后,支票就可以兑现了。 # _& i/ R  B! t+ w. W! F0 i( W
452 I see. I';ll go and check.
4 e0 i! C2 I9 x" z1 j' `4 o噢,原来是这样,那我再去查查看。
" R  B& h) c1 a: V# r' W7 u453 Hello, may I change some money with my Master card?
) G  C0 ]7 k, [. Z. R$ x# Y6 _2 D5 Z我能否用万事达卡来兑换些钱吗?; V) d1 K1 t( ^- l* @3 y* R. P5 B1 D
454 Yes, you can. Would you please show me your card?
& L' ^! X; A8 _1 _9 L4 M+ d可以,让我看看您的卡。
- I4 J$ k7 @9 W8 d! J455 Here are you Chinese Yuan for $ 1000. And your passport and exchange memo.7 F$ c5 z' {; {" R3 e
这是您1000美元所换的人民币。给您护照和兑换清单。9 n# c4 U% Q. k) u
456 How much would you like to remit?
6 j1 t* y* C) T( H$ A0 Y, n您想汇多少钱?: k; W0 R8 ~/ _4 A5 d: Z: |/ Y
457 I suppose you want to send U.S. Dollars.
/ O9 X, }* P* k3 r! C! H; t我想您是汇美元吧?
) D' j7 s" y% }% k458 May I ask the reason for your remittance?: ^! t/ ^" g% y& K# a
可以请问汇款的原因吗?3 {$ ]! g6 e# H, H2 \2 G
459 Do you want to remit the money by air mail or by cable, sir?- }: j8 |% |, t9 O
您想要航空信还是电汇,先生?5 k6 f* }4 }1 k8 _6 @0 R1 Z
460 So you can take M/T, and they will take a longer time to reach New York Bank.7 @3 ]5 J1 w5 x: |# O: F% @
/ u% P  D* e: ~# A) W" @. X7 Q3 p7 Z461 Would you care to take a seat while I make out a receipt?  G& g$ i1 E9 M1 F! ]& K
2 p: l( r1 y3 Z3 T0 \9 X) Q! `" t5 H462 I';ll take M/T./ i: o. w( P. v$ m8 D
# O# c- Z& [" }$ ?- v463 For £300 to London, the commiossion is 3, please.
, H8 I: s, \* c汇款300英镑到伦敦,费用为3英镑。
" o0 C8 d6 {/ S1 n3 V& X464 Excuse me, but do you handle remittance checks here?
( O% A" o6 L$ _) u- f打扰了,你们办理汇款支票吗?
; f% {  n+ U0 q- R: E6 q) z: y: t465 To whom is the check payable, madam?
2 }3 G, e- v: M' t% u5 ?请问支票受款人是谁,夫人?" c, M" g' Z) q- l
466 Yes, I have got the license from the Bank of China. Here you are.% u) X. P+ r; E9 o( o6 p$ G: L4 P
是的,我已得到中国银行的许可。请过目。/ S8 y1 t9 i: i3 s7 Z
467 Would you please tell me your phone number so that we';ll ring you up as soon as the remittance arrives?, N2 @) {0 y% X3 g; y' L3 X
您能否把电话号码告诉我,以便汇款一到就给您打电话?8 N% L7 h* I! ?7 a
468 Yes, your money has arrived.
4 v% X5 |7 H( [% W8 i2 D4 `噢,您的汇款已经到了。
' ~; v* J( D  x- z5 n0 B: Z469 Very well, sir. Please fill out this remittance slip.
" P, B' B' y, U. s2 L好的,先生。请填写这张汇款通知书。
5 H/ q4 k) x- D. Z470 How much do you charge for sending a cable transfer to London?
0 U1 d+ Z# v. [( o: }4 r( L3 F发一张到伦敦的电汇,要收费多少?% d4 V, C7 d- x% J; X- {0 m
471 How much do you want to change?
; T+ ?! h: u4 x0 o( l8 t4 S您想兑换多少?9 u! V/ P2 V& F4 F. ^
472 Would you please tell me the exchange rate for pound sterling into RMB?# s8 M! j' _! @+ a+ S5 N7 k
请你告诉我英镑兑换人民币的汇率是多少,好吗?3 L  i9 F* B: M- K% d
473 Here you are , please check.  w5 N) [/ b; v6 i/ j/ ^
给你,请查一下。9 g$ O  @/ n. T
474 I want to change some British sterling into Renminbi.7 K; u6 e! J! i3 g$ S$ T; Z5 M
2 M' h3 C9 A5 H# R( ]; h475 Are you going to use cash or traveller';s cheques?1 i7 Y' a7 V! r' k! s. y; h' N
  ?' x% _' r# C2 A1 Z! b476 So five hundred dollars will be 4, 350 RMB yuan.
$ _: a0 }, b- \8 f& I* S: l500美元可兑换人民币4350元。
: Z* b8 T6 U- ]2 B% F8 U5 J1 Q3 s9 q477 But you have to pay 5% commission on this money exchange.
" [/ F: E& }* R1 `4 U但兑换这笔外币,您得另外付5%的手续费。" i4 K5 ~8 z9 i1 ]1 ]# C9 X4 B
478 I beg your pardon.$ r- Q5 J+ l3 L
0 R% B  A, r4 X% q' I$ M479 We would like to ask you to come here for an interview.
$ Q0 U; ^; B$ c0 @% J. b: p我们想约你来参加面试。
5 S; ~8 Y( `. i0 P! a480 Perhaps you';ve heard our product';s name. Would you like to know more about it?  H" F; z- n3 g& j# `
也许你已听说过我们产品的名称,你想知道更多一点吗?& F" E% f" ~6 A0 j: W' j8 J+ L
481 Let me tell you about our product., c: |* `# K. a8 y- [3 B
关于产品一事让我向你说明。6 [9 v. P0 j; l$ @4 s! q1 J
482 This is our most recently developed product.
0 }" c9 I0 U5 X! u% u* `这是我们最近开发的产品。9 s4 g" u6 L& S" O- N8 P; o6 i
483 We';d like to recommend our new home health monitor.
- G8 \# I6 X& \8 L! r我们想推荐我们新的家庭健康监测器。* }4 f1 ]) k: a/ A( _
484 That sounds like the product we had in mind.0 \0 [5 J, _2 q" C- l3 g5 P5 g, _- N3 B
1 j) `8 h8 F- R8 B9 e7 y485 I';m sure you';ll be pleased with this product.2 \. P% o4 W! c) e' O9 J7 X
我敢保证你会喜欢这种产品的。( i. G! w2 N3 |& p' R2 |1 y
486 I';m really positive that this product has all the features you have always wanted.6 q) ]6 N9 N. E' s0 ^+ q
我确信这种产品有各种你所要的款式。& \9 [* N& Q9 u  R' d* r
487 I strongly recommend this product.
$ a; H9 [+ ~/ t7 y我强力推荐这种产品。
5 M7 B) {8 H1 z0 n, J488 If I were you, I';d choose this product.$ h9 _; A  j: X
; x. X$ g6 A% N( K& f% N489 We';ve already had a big demand for this product.
: U& d7 L' W& F3 }6 c这种产品我们已有很大的需要求量。! ^9 N& C7 t6 N2 ~" [/ i
490 This product is doing very well in foreign countries.
3 \8 X0 }4 x& r这种产品在国外很畅销。
  \' r5 U& L: Q& |491 Our product is competitive in the international market.) J! O1 X; f, C9 \2 @
+ A; _* \; W5 E- j; n492 Let';s move on to what makes our product sell so well.
- t; v+ O! i% |5 j  J/ o3 a让我来说明是什么原因使我们的产品销售得那么好。, b0 M8 b0 F! y' k, h% x: ~! M
493 Good. That';s just what we want to hear.
; M3 [  m  A; ~. w+ @+ x" a( u1 x很好,那正是我们想要听的。
' f+ G: X2 d& o; C$ S  ?2 U  o494 The distinction of our product is its light weight.
& T3 ~' e# @' x$ t0 u0 T& v2 V, V% J我们产品的特点就是它很轻。: L) G8 V0 f# Q4 m: D2 r
495 Our product is lower priced than the competition.& ?+ s) s5 ~! u7 d9 z$ m+ o
我们产品价格低廉,具有竞争力。5 N" u- D6 Q  O
496 Our service has been very well-received by our customers so far.
0 C) }5 l0 ?3 r$ T/ T到目前为止,顾客对我们的服务质量评价甚高。
* A! A. i1 t# T9 M/ C8 ]" Y497 One of the real pluses of this product is that it is of very high quality and of compact size.
1 L1 `7 h* C$ k! z7 }这种产品的真正优点之一就是高质量和小体积。
2 l& r! `" w; ~! t5 `  R498 Could we see the specifications for the X200?# _8 @# b% F# T9 ?# B; o% a; P
我们可以看一下X200型的详细规格吗?. ]2 S5 ^6 R; i
499 Certainly. And we also have test results that we';re sure you';d be interested to see.
! A1 _( S, E( M& |9 k  J1 s# Q当然,同时我们也有测试结果,我们相信你们会有兴趣看的。
" ?0 n: B" w( S' }1 z500 How about feed-back from your retailers and consumers?! _; r1 ]1 Y& p
* O- T$ S- e9 p3 h! [- A$ |6 U501 We have that right here in this report.
1 @: N2 I7 Q1 N6 N* b% O& N! S在这份报告书内就有。
, n* D# H% ?$ x! a8 o7 Z502 Could you tell me some more about your market analysis?
# U0 i! Z+ \2 ~5 \- |6 u请你多告诉我一些你们的市场分析好吗?9 Y4 G8 I5 m  s: H) U& ^' O
503 Yes, our market analysis tells us our prime user will be between 40 and 60.
. l' D4 V. @' a. o/ e: z/ h好的,我们的市场分析告诉我们,我们产品主要的使用者年龄将在40至60岁。. d& B# ?$ P9 J. I7 U/ P4 B4 n
504 How soon can you have your product ready?! K* F& H6 ?$ n& e
/ y6 j% D# Q( @8 p5 ?$ {9 W, R505 We certainly expect our product to be available by October 1.; t9 T; c  K' \0 X2 l* B$ B
我们的产品在可在10月1日前准备好。+ I; {& Z7 W& v4 {
506 You haven';t sold your product in our country so far, have you?: {8 }) L8 t% q7 e7 c0 |
到目前为止,你们的产品尚未在我们国家销售,是吗?. o6 s, y9 g+ w9 S# k
507 We';ve only sold our product at trade fairs, not in an on-going sales campaign.
: A+ K& G3 q- C( h8 x我们的产品只在商展时展售,而没有办促销活动。
  o7 \$ y1 Q0 N4 N. D, k& E508 You';ve already quoted a price of $ 800 per 1,000. Is there a discount for larger orders?$ E. a- j" H, }5 }) T1 j
你报的价是每1000个要美金800元,如大量订购有折扣吗?; ~! @$ `6 P( H+ s) g7 r
509 Yes, there is. We can give a 5% discount for orders over 5,000 units.
0 A5 q$ l1 h5 H, x4 q0 A# h# `/ p" K是的,有折扣,超过5000个我们可给5%的折扣。1 a9 {& O& i, W) p0 p- Y
510 We can offer a discount in progressive stages according to the size of the order.8 n. d# x/ f6 A1 y% a* P8 f
根据订购数量的大小,我们可提供累进的折扣。* {1 b4 t$ o3 v4 b& u7 g$ l( N, m% ^
511 We really can';t discount the price more than six percent.
+ v4 w7 _5 Q: h' s+ k6 c我们真的无法提供超过6%的折扣。
4 C- h  T3 w3 R9 ]% ~512 A discount of six percent is all that I';m authorized to offer you., n: _* {; _6 j9 i8 @
1 T% I& C9 w4 b7 s# t; M513 What sort of guarantee do you offer on your product?  i6 Z' n( v9 k6 B% _4 z, |! E
你们提供什么样的产品保证呢?+ Q! [: X8 D: d" @2 P) a* w3 m
514 A standard one. Replacement during the first year if all rules for proper use have been followed.  |- e  J% |2 @3 m! G% Z
( O5 h% A5 f, L! x2 g* n515 We offer a life-time guarantee.
( ]- D# `: r0 M: o( {! H我们提供永久保证。
* K9 H  n, l) G* M2 C3 a4 C! z516 We have an extended warranty available at extra cost.! C& c7 @( p$ h. P7 o
对于额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限。& G3 A$ L7 Q8 }3 Z0 S0 l
517 Our guarantee covers maintenance for both parts and labor.
0 I, r) f7 x/ A我们的保证是包括更换零件和免费保养。
. u# ^  W4 ^* j  D; N; H518 Tell us about your post-purchase servicing.
3 _/ ]7 |- ?/ q2 D% Y8 D; C告诉我们有关你们售后服务的情况。
9 U1 M( p+ O$ ^% i4 @: R519 We use service centers at major stores. They ship goods back to our national service center for repairs.- E6 Z  ~  O; x8 N
我们采用大店服务中心,他们可把产品运送到我们的国内服务中心维修。4 Q  i: t0 e2 Z
520 We have a toll-free number for customers to call.
+ E9 B0 m/ q: ]8 r) n我们对顾客提供免费服务电话。
+ y! Q  ~1 t  s% N7 B5 J( x521 We exchange products under almost all circumstances.4 I3 Z& i3 F7 r+ ?1 P* w
. q1 C3 A% p; j- m5 j0 g* m522 Could you give us detailed descriptions of the capabilities of your product?
2 J  W/ f+ L4 G+ I* R0 U1 u; R请你把你们产品的性能给我们详细说明一下好吗?
  L+ t& W* _5 l6 p523 How long could the buyer expect your product to last?
6 |, Q6 O: _& M0 X. G5 q7 @( z9 b6 c  E购买者期望你们产品的使用期是多久呢?) ~" {1 [+ W6 |- W& ^
524 What';s been the consumer reaction to your product?
& ~3 P1 Z* G' ?. V9 U4 U4 n消费者对你们的产品有过什么反映?
3 K& w0 f  ^' d525 Have you marketed your product yet?) N5 x" ]( o' o# K, z' B) @6 }
% Y2 a2 t) y* K9 P0 Y5 V526 We';re afraid that your product';s quality won';t satisfy Chinese customers.
, l# z0 r$ o8 h# i( J. E& M2 X+ }恐怕你们的产品质量无法使中国顾客满意。
( E2 h7 v8 T3 e( m& y527 We feel product quality is high indeed.0 A, C8 N( D8 Q; ]" C* e4 |
我们认为产品的质量的确很高。; y: C- G+ }. h* _% Y9 I& g" L
528 We think your X200 meets our requirements.
+ n2 {0 G, `9 B, {我们认为贵方X200型符合我们的要求。
2 K7 b& ]# ?0 y% [; d529 I';m afraid that the item isn';t what we';re looking for.
) X- l2 G/ [, g) Q. v9 A7 N! o我恐怕这种产品不是我们所要找的。# Y: q) u& K" e# s( K8 w/ P% N
530 I think your industrial robots are the best in the field.
0 h" k: Q, |4 n9 Z- b+ R( W我认为你们的工业机器人在这领域是最好的。4 Y( Z7 i$ F0 Y
531 In my opinion, the product must be priced under $ 300.' |) R$ E1 D( r' m0 U
! b( c5 v( k2 }+ I$ ]+ o8 p532 We feel your product is too specialized for mass marketing.9 I6 i0 }; b" W: q
我们认为你们的产品对广大市场而言太专业化了。& n& k, p1 ]( m5 v
533 That brings us to the question of price. What do you have in mind?
: [4 O- ^: k; Z/ n1 b5 n那使我们想起价钱问题,你心目中的价钱是多少?$ j: u7 k$ b5 I- y- K2 W
534 We think $ 87,000 per unit with a five percent discount for orders over 100.
* Q  v2 V' N# I我们减少到每台8.7万美元,订购超过100台给予5%的折扣。
- `2 n* r0 R  D535 Your unit price seems fair enough, but we';re hoping for a higher discount rate.
2 K+ [  A! z0 K单价似乎合理,但我们希望给予更高的折扣率。1 `- p( W# K, Y. U* _; V3 n9 i
536 Seven percent would be possible for orders for, say, 500 or more.
/ G, f) C; k! x( T: {订购500台或500台以上都不得有可能给予7%的折扣。
9 o- g9 l( G. b. m, v  k' Q537 What';s the best price you';re prepared to offer for your product?5 U5 l* X1 p8 T; s/ `. g
你们的产品最优惠的价格是多少呢?2 N( x; c7 G6 b) q# ~9 y  c
538 It depends on the quantity ordered.' B% i0 {0 x; d( o3 g/ B
这要根据所订的数量而定。' s6 k: w$ b, R: F3 y5 j
539 What do you think will be a fair price for your product?* A8 O1 {! a; |! E. }
: L! B/ O8 n5 N' ^' }540 How much do you charge per unit?! q3 r; U5 F# [1 e
你们每件要价多少呢?' k& U7 p# Q1 d$ _9 u* D
541 What';s your wholesale price on this item?% o0 n* U7 k% H
5 h( h( z% o9 K1 b542 How much of a volume discount are you prepared to offer?: X0 D9 B6 `. W0 t  W1 ?' C' i) e* A& @
( ~; R# z* T) T+ G- U8 J543 That seems quite soon considering the nature of the product and shipping time.4 n9 Z  j% j2 i' Q7 x
考虑到产品的性质和运输时间那看来太快了。% V+ p1 H0 k# a1 _( D. m9 r
544 Other buyers are satisfied with it, but we could delay it if you could pay 40 percent up front./ l1 b* y+ n% b$ o6 G/ Y$ _) D; Z: z
/ c5 S: }" @" \% P( ~545 Delivery costs will have to be borne by the manufacturer, I';m afraid.. o1 E) u7 f& p0 W" W
7 N7 Y% q* v  S546 If you can guarantee on-time delivery with a penalty for late delivery, we can accept your sales price.
# K3 C! h5 t4 N如果你能保证用惩罚延误发货方式准时发货,你的销售价我们可以接受。
4 `1 r5 l, D8 f. ]. i* }1 Q# r547 Whose responsibility are the shipment charges?
" b' ^% k! c$ ?& _) d运费由谁来负责呢?
. a$ G% c# K7 ~1 Q  W5 {, }( i548 Who assumes shipment cost?& {  a* w6 c" Q% Z* h4 k$ O/ Y
谁负担运费呢?) m" \# f" i' r/ y. w) T
549 That would be the responsibility of the buyer. We are prepared, however, to provide all the documentation costs.6 J3 e1 ?# J# M/ V' ?6 n/ ]6 j, g6 z
那是属于买方的责任,我们仅承担提供所有文件的费用。8 ~% x7 d% M3 e* F
550 We would also want you to cover insurance and the cost of transporting the goods to the port.
1 [) l) H4 ^/ Z, h; l我们也要贵方负责保险以及把货物运到港口的费用。
! _7 X1 e% O% G+ V, M7 L( z' p551 In that case, we might need to reopen the question of prices.) a9 f/ a/ O$ \, l. ]
如果是那样,我们也许需要重新讨论价格。 9 v8 {# L7 U3 H8 ?. c4 O
552 When could we typically expect delivery?
5 ?$ K& u: C6 s4 V! `6 N我们希望常规的发货时间是什么时候呢?! l9 P+ N' _" t, S
553 What sort of guarantees are there against late delivery?
4 H; v' J9 Y/ I. K$ @3 u- x+ h, M惩罚延迟发货有什么保证呢?1 V# n( A: u' |5 q6 G
554 Please show us the shipping costs for several possible carries.
3 U4 ?  r9 h+ C, B( Q请告诉我们几种可能的运输方式的价格。+ G% ?1 K* i; U! ^7 z4 s3 e# v7 f
555 We';ll have to check these rates against those charged by other suppliers.
7 m& r' j2 J, }& u/ f( q3 c1 i我们必须核查一下由其他供应商提供的费率。- X! r7 O2 F+ `" e
556 Shall we start the meeting now?
/ h0 }8 C# |+ ^2 \4 K4 ]" O我们现在开始开会好吗?
$ @5 W6 ~4 _; f7 {- e557 Thank you for attending today';s meeting.
' d! p( J9 Z5 E; \谢谢你出席今天的会议。
. {) W! u9 K, i* ~558 The first thing on the agenda is the drop in sales.. w# k* Y$ ^8 r2 f$ X+ \
在议程上第一件事就是销售额下降了。8 a8 X" V( E" K* u$ K
559 The purpose of this meeting is to discuss possible solutions for the pending issues.  i/ a4 l: ?; x
+ \2 Z, H; i; Y0 p" Q560 Let';s look at the agenda and talk the first item.
" _* W9 I/ X' L0 ?1 ^让我们看一下议程讨论第一项。" Z8 x3 ^4 ]/ ~- @
561 Mr. Smith, would you like to start things off?
# i  V7 `+ r# a6 Y( p史密斯先生,你要开始做事了吗?
# o2 \5 c. O. p  g' F6 ~562 We';ve gone over quite a lot. Shall we take a break?
) s& |6 Z# d: n5 P, F! @3 \% F我们已进行很久了,让我们休息一下好吗?
- M+ b2 z6 R* R7 J! k) C$ t* S6 N563 I don';t know about the rest of you, but I';d like a break.
$ v5 {0 {/ ^; i( Q我不知道你们是否要休息,但我想休息片刻。
! j& Q3 |# T9 f) S564 Let';s stop here and continue in about 10 minutes.
9 i+ F# j9 Q( w$ @! k6 d" ]我们暂停一下,10分钟后继续。
- ?6 j7 Q0 y0 v& J# T565 Well, I think it';s time we get back to business.
5 O: w* b- L2 w哦,我认为我们该回到正题上了。
+ c" y; G. I; e' Z7 L# \* f566 Could all of you take your seats? We need to continue our meeting.8 I# t* w4 v$ D# S" O* ?4 D! N
9 K3 [" ^9 n9 b* P9 y" [567 That';s all for today.
3 U; H: w1 q! k今天就到这儿了。- A. S% w% e5 P) z% W
568 Let';s call it a day.
% N8 z5 C( @+ a让我们今天就到此为止吧。
) m7 M4 }+ A* k+ T2 g7 r- ]569 How about on Tuesday afternoon of next week? Is that okay with everyone?
3 c( ~* K" {0 O" g下星期二下午怎样?各位没有意见吧?
* B. F7 K7 K3 D" I570 I';m sorry. I can';t make it on Tuesday.
5 f  g6 ]. G7 E* ~1 T: A( \对不起,星期二我无法参加。   d+ a( A. h4 K, M5 M" q/ I" X3 w) _
571 And so, I';d like to proceed to the next stage.
. c' Q9 m/ u2 ~0 D- Q$ x5 @; e所以,我要进行下一阶段了。
0 {- y1 F! M+ l; [4 B572 Excuse me, I';d like to ask you a question.) u7 o6 i, @" v; F; M* s' N
3 Q- o& N4 B; L; B% @573 Excuse me, but may I ask a question?) i3 S6 i) l# u* r" F* h9 K
对不起,我可以问个问题吗?6 h! t* `% @  ^8 z* K. w* @9 Y+ L
574 Forgive me for interrupting, but I have a question.
, h3 w/ G4 Q* V3 B  W: Z5 K8 E1 Y/ v对不起我插个嘴,我有一个问题。
- q2 y& x7 i* _1 g* m- Y2 T7 H575 Before you go on, I have a question.
2 x$ w0 @2 j, B6 J: G在你接着干之前,我有一个问题。
: \0 Y6 E; ?/ ^6 A+ B2 l' J576 I';m sorry to interrupt, but I';d like you to explain that a little more.
4 Y) t# S( b. [) e0 H很抱歉,我插个嘴,我希望你多解释一些。& H& R  I# P; B5 {6 F) f4 v( b
577 Sure, what did you want to know?
3 w) z9 o" ~. y& X, }! C1 Y0 G真的,你想知道什么呢?3 O- D3 U+ j) h3 J
578 Certainly. Ask whatever you like.
' U" i3 v; }. Q$ ~- I" U% e当然,你什么都可以问。
' T* d% Z8 X. Q/ L7 [6 a4 {" ^6 o. ^: F579 Do we really have the means to actually pull this off?* @7 E, e! p+ R" p8 a, c
我们确实有办法把这事办成吗?5 }  [: H# B* x% l  U
580 I';m sorry, but I didn';t understand your question. Could you please restate it?
6 \; s) X" s8 T. l2 G对不起,你的问题我没有理解,请你再说一遍好吗?
3 u5 q4 U4 E$ j+ Y( a$ s/ K# J581 Would you please clarify your question?: ]9 u7 P5 V. X
; o, n9 V( b0 F) C1 s1 ~3 z582 I didn';t catch that, Could you go over that again?$ Y. g2 Q: `& |1 {# o- O
我没有听清楚,请你再说明一下好吗?& J/ P7 n( a4 a2 x6 ^/ W+ L  r. x
583 I';m sorry. I don';t get what you';re driving at.  e9 ~8 N6 `) }9 D
: `  d' d6 S  ~; y" E3 _8 q; F584 Could you hold your questions until I';ve finished?
4 D: i9 E) N4 u! L; ?2 c) w- c请你把你的问题留到我把事情做完再问好吗?9 O6 s  p" Z9 ~1 j$ _
585 I';d appreciate it if you';d wait until be end for questions.' q, j3 V5 ~3 U
. W* `2 O7 h7 j1 s: V. V586 There';ll be time for questions at the end.
5 o' l& @$ b& n) X5 w最后会有时间发问的。, ^9 v1 i1 Q( ]
587 How will we know whether it can have a positive effect on the company?
3 O( k/ Z5 X1 x3 o+ p& ^7 Z# U% k我们怎么会知道它对公司能有积极的效果呢?
! f5 k4 |$ r# Q- t1 M" H' S588 That';s a tough question to answer.5 \3 O- ~9 t) G! X5 n7 I
. M/ q; _" V1 C$ n6 J0 t/ \589 How much will all this cost?; u8 [& a  H0 w. |
一共要花多少钱呢?; B% e) v  `' j5 R: l  v
590 I will talk more about that in a moment.
. ?* J7 f! p  k6 ?3 q! v+ j目前我要多讨论那个问题。 : O7 C( K* J6 G, v+ j
591 I don';t know the answer, but let me ask Mr. Chen to comment on that.
. d, v2 b" _' x5 o2 s  C- Z我不知道答案,让我问一下陈先生看他有什么看法。
" }1 h0 G% u9 I- L+ R1 z4 i$ j2 O& x592 I';ll check into it and get back to you.3 ?/ A7 \! g0 Q8 \) Z) O
# {; @" h5 X2 J) ?: k: ?593 I don';t have the figures, but I';ll find out.
/ S% z7 \) }, s. d% W我没有这个数据,但我会找到的。$ d1 R2 t; U0 Z$ I+ e6 F
594 That';s not my area, but I';ll get an answer for you.
0 D1 u$ _5 ]& b. R8 V, i: r6 \那不是我的范围,但我会为你找出答案。
: k% h! N0 e' S& K6 x595 Let';s ask Mr. Jiang to answer that." w/ u$ L, V$ I' U8 X7 @+ m+ D$ O
那件事我让蒋先生来答复。+ F  k2 y& X! P- i3 _
596 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It';s very satisfying to see so many of you here.3 ]& Z: B! S# \' o* F7 @2 W  E
1 n! z% g- |+ Z1 E9 t2 ~597 Today, I';d like to show you something which I';m sure you';ll find interesting.9 g/ i' G$ m! _' B' T3 J. ]
: J( x: J4 a" @7 V5 G8 d598 Over 5,000 hours of work went into this software, and today it';s my privilege to bring it to you.: j8 I' a. A! m( @2 K" n' p3 p3 e/ f
1 B+ h4 U2 w( W" _. k. M599 It';s an honor to be speaking to you today.% S. a& {! {0 E: b3 r! Y$ n* }  a
发表于 2006-8-6 10:53:25 | 显示全部楼层


   沙发~~~~~  谢谢谢谢谢谢拉
发表于 2006-9-7 11:13:06 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-11-28 20:31:56 | 显示全部楼层


haha~~so good!!! this corner is surely a brilliant place to learn English
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