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发表于 2005-12-1 19:15:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Unit 3: Terms of Shipment in the Contracts for the International Sales of Goods
# n  J" k6 D3 E& P     When buyer and seller discuss the terms of the contract, terms of shipment " I# Q3 g3 i' F. {; t& o7 c
are compulsory Terms of shipment includes methods of transport, time for % w* |, E; I; s
shipment, partial shipment and transshipment, port or place of loading and " g. j! B! l7 T, z2 S! |) N
unloading, shipping documents, etc. Here only time of shipment will be discussed.3 P, k  E, t! u2 D0 u
     Time of Shipment refers to the time limit for loading the goods on board
. w9 R$ g) g5 N/ ythe vessel at port of shipment (if shipment is made by sea). There are several : \2 q7 j! d5 E7 A- M2 D0 A
ways of stipulating time of shipment:0 g! j. A2 U+ v. E1 W2 f+ N) D) g2 \0 {
     1. Shipment on or about June 20,2002.
, q. C1 ?4 C+ R* l/ Y' q     2. Shipment not later than July 31st, 2002. Or, latest shipment date: 8 G; {; g3 Z( _: y. B" L) |7 R( \
         July 31st, 2002.# X- h" l& V& _1 n5 F
     3. Shipment to be made during June/July, 2002.
9 O# I1 Y7 K' x     4. Shipment within 15 days after receipt of remittance.% J; p6 D; e1 K) u! f; w  J) N0 X
     5. Shipment within 30 days after receipt of L/C. In order to prevent the & t* l% |8 R" {  C4 i/ V
buyer from opening the L/C late, the exporter should stipulate at the same & o1 @- L8 v7 o' o( V. _7 A
time “The relevant L/C must reach the seller not later than August 20, 2002”.
5 m! r2 n1 d4 U' \& d6 }6 k     If the expression “on or about” or similar expressions are used, banks will
& l% H+ G1 V  ^0 Rinterpret them as a stipulation that shipment is to be made during the period
; h3 w; R& w, j: Ffrom five days before to five days after the specified date, both end days included.
% L$ h2 y3 e  F  s; I% V     For example, if the L/C stipulates that shipment date: on or about July
7 Q5 S" a- J- F2 ?! l- S. Q20,2002.* o" J0 w8 |1 [7 L6 ]) t1 O- _$ ~% U
     Then the goods can be shipped between July 15 to July 25.8 q' v' D' g. G* B
     The words “to”, “until”, “till”, “from” and words of similar
. e: E+ A7 [/ p" F2 Uexpressions applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment 5 D4 Q: C% C8 M( y% v
will be understood to include the date mentioned.6 T: m" w! u( c  I! ?7 |1 a% |9 P1 I
     The words “after”, will be understood to exclude the date mentioned.
& y) s  F2 G8 R8 z, }     The terms “first half”, “second half” of a month shall be construed
9 S; c* `- {* T2 w+ b# Q3 [  Erespectively as the 1st to the 15th, and the 16th to the last day of such month,
4 ]' }* p; B  h2 K: y" Y+ Eall dates inclusive.  i- d' c+ }, ^! h4 O, g8 [; i  X
     The terms “beginning”, “middle”, or “end” of a month shall be ' K4 @" V/ J  l
construed respectively as the 1st to the 10th, the 11th to the 20th, and the 1 M" V1 P6 L( {7 z8 a- h+ `8 S
21st to the last day of such month, all dates inclusive.
/ v( E9 L3 {* |) R. s$ W未完待续
4 e# I$ q7 \( x: O! r! L* o0 W0 a课文理解:
4 n) n; k! `; ]2 k1. 先见标题:
( Z" M% G3 {$ f5 e0 M8 r   Terms of Shipment in the Contracts for the International Sales of Goods
/ C# |4 {7 d4 J" O: l    我们先要知道《联合国国际销售货物合同公约》的说法:7 L- y, ]( v5 F3 S
     United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods
( v6 a  X2 ~. V' I2 f2 [+ |: r     所以题解应该是:销售合同中的装运条款。/ p, `& @' C! f: l9 [
2. 句子:! x& Y! M' w1 l0 m3 ?) a$ l+ B
   When buyer and seller discuss the terms of the contract, terms of ! y9 F8 y/ Y0 s9 ^! c
shipment are compulsory Terms of shipment includes methods of transport, time! Z0 k  k; t" Z! R
for shipment, partial shipment and transshipment, port or place of loading and
+ m# {2 G( j7 funloading, shipping documents, etc.
* u/ _( x: n; Y4 Z) N+ S    实际上这句句子不难理解,关键是把几个外经贸术语搞懂:
) `1 B; K  B4 |     2.1 terms of contract “合同条款”" b% U8 W! m1 w6 V0 G( c6 U
         terms: (合约、契约或合同的)条款+ F8 P& r! u( i% ~2 M6 B' P# q
           例如: the terms of a contract (合同条款)2 E3 J$ p9 o$ d% q
                例如: the terms of shipment (装运条款, 装运条件)( {/ v/ A5 [6 R5 |1 U
    2.2 time for shipment / time of shipment “装运的时间 / 装运时间”
+ o  D4 Y* v1 M7 {         port of loading “装运口岸, 装运港”
; l1 m0 F  k  v9 @# ^2 y         port of unloading “卸货口岸, 卸货港”* F2 U# |, k' Z
         shipping advice “装运通知”
5 ~, [+ H0 m$ I. f7 T3 v- `! h+ {         shipping documents “装运单据, 运输单据”9 E; _0 N9 S& D. G
         partial shipment “分批装运” (解释见课文第26页注释2)
2 L- O' h/ w- L             transshipment “转运” (解释见课文第26页注释3)' l9 m! M" p/ s1 Z
    2.3 compulsory Terms of shipment
  ]/ S4 C6 s5 P+ v) r' ?         compulsory = required “必须做的, 规定的, 强制性的, 义务的”,
+ N% S& U' {  M& I4 m/ \         我们要把这个词放到文章中去才能理解透彻:' L% g% o. D* |' y1 d2 |. n
         即: 装运条款是国际货物销售合同中谈判的要素,是合同的主要交易条件之一.% t- [  v: j% G8 ?/ d
         要素当然是必须要谈的.. ^) g4 W3 o& }& {
    2.4 第一自然段是文章的第一个层次,开门见山,紧扣标题.
1 P% [0 e2 @8 o2 ^# u3. 句子:
5 m4 _1 N, O7 u7 R, K7 o   Time of Shipment refers to the time limit for loading the goods on board
' b( a4 ~! T3 ~# \/ f) Y  Z9 L     the vessel at port of shipment (if shipment is made by sea).
" j) I* Z9 x; d. U6 t! D! w* `   3.1 refer to = speak about, mention, apply to
0 }5 E8 D* D5 x0 L7 t        谈及, 提及, 涉及, 关于, 指的是(是指), 应用于% m' N2 a( `1 W. j: R" ^
     例如: Don’t refer to this matter again, please.
) v' r  @! q: n% |7 W     例如: ... applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment .
0 q5 K& F) u9 h) v7 x' S  ~1 X   3.2 time limit: 时限, 期限6 h$ W% j' n! |  [( ^
      the time limit for loading the goods on board the vessel at port of
8 m+ w8 i; c4 j* E" M/ L1 n- y/ Z         shipment: 在装运港将货物装到船上的期限- G2 \7 ^2 [7 A. P% W& w/ W0 n
4. 句子:) E1 p+ n( C3 |% N9 H8 y
  There are several ways of stipulating time of shipment.中的
# [( ]4 v0 J( c' Y- H' f  stipulate 是这课文章的重点词汇:6 B" v, a5 J6 v( e4 ?0 Q% I
   7 a# |% y( P7 @" v
   stipulate:  规定,约定 (动词)  动词的用法在课文中用得很多:2 v3 V/ B/ l- y/ J
   例一:9 |, R: T+ e$ g  n! w6 B' a
   The exporter should stipulate that the relevant L/C must reach the seller
. e* F7 H! A, y  J- d; e, n$ K+ X   not later than August 20, 2002”.
7 Z! G; S1 {# _$ U   例二:
! u* N$ ?1 S2 k* [* j1 Q! ?   The L/C stipulates that shipment date: on or about July 20, 2002.+ N7 m. n8 N8 C$ ]0 @+ J) S) Z
   stipulation: 规定,约定 (名词)3 j7 E4 G5 u* n$ [& p: a# G( k
   例如:# M- T! p. {+ J  n
   according to the contract stipulations, … 或 on the stipulation that … ! \1 C0 F- {, e* Q% L  o/ g5 F% }
  (按照合同条款)7 z, @7 L* j8 R
5. 句子: Shipment within 15 days after receipt of remittance. / p" ?. ^) M; D" f8 G3 ]
   5.1  within : u& M6 }: q  ?
     (1)  within 的意思:
; [! k5 C- Z2 y5 `. Q           within = not beyond = less than, % h7 X" W3 r6 [  r  B
           意思是 inside the limits of time or distance:
3 i" A! |' B5 i4 D& ]           不超过,用于时间(……以内),也可用于距离(……的范围内)0 L2 _! H+ }9 H- N
    (2)  within 与 in 的区别, 请先看下面两句句子:: a" I' Z2 H/ `' K8 t: ]7 w8 G/ V
           ① The train will arrive in an hour. (在一个小时以后到达)
) S$ r' B1 @9 ?, Q& l           ② The train will arrive within an hour. (在一个小时以内到达)' q! C6 n  `$ X0 |% G. V. Y
   5.2  remittance 汇付,汇款,汇款额 (名词)
. I1 d! y' D6 P4 u* ?/ y' B         例如:  remittance by cheque (英国人的说法): 支票汇款 5 P' K1 o2 q* @4 ?% `! L; ]! s
                  remittance by check (美国人的说法): 支票汇款
2 Y+ I) P6 Z! V8 f$ m2 i      例如:  remittance by draft: 汇票汇款1 a5 h0 o" z$ M$ I" |3 j
      例如:  remittance bill: 汇款单
! j8 l' |7 w2 E/ T- G* @; S+ H      例如:  make a remittance: 汇款7 @; w1 q6 L2 O* M0 K
            remit (动词) = send (money,etc.) by post: 汇款* O6 ^7 T/ d) `2 B& @
  5.3  after receipt of …: 这是外经贸信函中的常见用语,' b! r' c) l" x5 W+ Q- J
         表示“收到…之后”,名词 receipt 来自于动词 receive
8 O" ^/ U  B. {+ y4 l$ k$ e# L+ Y6 ~( P6. 句子:4 X: @  J  F2 g% ?* x
   In order to prevent the buyer from opening the L/C late, the exporter " w2 m  M1 s3 j( C0 Y% `2 y* s; B% Z  u
     should stipulate at the same time “The relevant L/C must reach the 5 F6 K5 i% l! o6 o5 y
     seller not later than August 20,2002”.
, F! y; O1 `  Z8 J( s8 V   这里我们复习一下两个似曾相识的词:2 r- I* P0 B9 y
     6.1  prevent sb. from doing sth. 或者 prevent sth.(from happening): - J1 @& P) r' O3 k. d+ }
! J" }( J( Q' `0 z   6.2  我们记得第一课中有这样一句句子:
( A8 B' X) E* P, M( P           Take delivery of the goods and issue relevant documents such as … 和5 v2 G0 j% Z- F( x) ~8 t; B
       本句: The relevant L/C must reach the seller not later than …
4 W6 R$ v. Y& }       知道 relevant 是什么意思了吧.
. N6 l  Q* Z) \2 K7. 句子:
$ A1 T# k% T. U4 Q# Y   If the expression “on or about” or similar expressions are used, banks
( w4 K4 ?* l+ \! O- D    will interpret them as a stipulation that shipment is to be made during
' p8 e, ^- L1 C# ?# @/ ?: Q    the period from five days before to five days after the specified date, 1 s8 |; w- u0 ^* h9 Y
    both end days included.3 L! \8 J% @/ G9 h% _4 @0 N3 K- ]  t
   7.1  similar expressions 类似的字词6 Q3 O) C2 s# Y  G7 b# N
     (1) similar to = like, of the same kind or sort:  
$ k; p) Z# r9 [$ {/ n; q                    意思是“类似的、近似的” ,形容词
- y* k+ y2 a3 S9 }$ P% t+ ?        名词: similarity  解释:类似,近似;类似点,近似点 & k1 e6 R/ ^8 F7 T
        副词: similarly   解释:相类似,近似;同样地,相同地) `) u# q+ S! e# x& ^
        近义词: alike, t6 ^* u" ^/ B% j2 `" G
            反义词: different, dissimilar
; L' l4 |6 @8 v/ c6 s       (2) expression 作可数名词时的解释是:' W+ u: \$ m8 p* n$ s. E
               ① expression = word or phrase 措辞,词句,就是课文中的解释0 b3 B: C5 l4 ~. x6 G0 s
          ② 表情. 例如: facial expression% Z! f7 w, m" U7 B& @) E
               ③ (数学)式的通俗的讲法' H. w- d: G% t  a- }9 D6 \
   7.2  interpret … as … = consider the likely meaning of something: / [5 S; E: p! U2 t
* j, y+ ^! |& ?8 S    7.3  装运条款的一种表达就是在合同或信用证当中规定在某一约定的日期装运.
7 T9 W' |+ T% j9 K6 t& `* J# _          按课文的实例,即卖方必须在2002年7月20日这一天(shipment on July 20,
* P$ B, U4 G1 q: H1 T$ d. a: t          2002)将合同规定的货物装运上船.    可是,国际货运情况错综复杂,不可控
9 n- ]9 L, Y8 O  W* L  I9 z       因素众多,要保证做到在选定的某一天将货物装船出运确实有一定的困难,! U4 T) c, J! ?! W
          为此,信用证中有较宽松的表达(shipment about July 20,2002).
. g0 R' V; ]5 S, z% e         about的规定没有明确的界限, 银行有它们自己的解释: 指定装运期的前后
5 w' N  T) _8 r1 X      五天,并包括起讫日期.即凡是提单的签单期在7月15日至7月25日的,都是5 L4 S9 |" @: X. a' t5 h4 B/ s7 k; {
      有效单证,银行无理由拒收.在实际业务中,各个银行又有各个银行自己的解释3 p% s5 u  D8 N( q6 D
      和操作惯例.( ^8 o+ w, s6 J; E" U0 }$ v
8. 句子:
( V7 l# L% U6 I  G   The words “to”,“until”,“till”,“from”and words of similar2 d- Z( A% K+ x, y+ h# G2 `3 A
     expressions applying to any date or period in the credit referring # F6 _5 ?8 u& Z- {# y- ~4 F) ]
     to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned.
" g6 @# O+ Q8 n7 Z1 n) j    这句句子的意思是:
6 j+ A) \+ |$ I  E* g, c1 I5 k    The words “to”,“until”,“till”,“from”and words of similar . O9 t% R7 w% u* o/ R  w
    expressions applying to any date or period  will be understood
: d+ W1 K$ B9 s: t) i( O# j+ n2 A    to include the date mentioned.: o, I" z7 O( K8 y- v
   8.1 apply to sth. 解释“适用于、与…有关”
1 j4 k0 c2 M' g- Z  8.2 我们结合课文以下句子,对这些句子结构和字词作比较,我们应该密切关注
3 N- {5 ^% Q# t8 u" E      这些结构的用法:
3 x; U7 @& w5 x9 v1 U       (1) … to include the date mentioned (本句结尾)! K$ B! E; P- [! w: Z) L, L
       (2) … to exclude the date mentioned (下句结尾)% k; f# d8 `; t: Z6 q6 {; A+ K
       (3) … all dates inclusive (再下句结尾)! N; C$ [4 ^$ u" T+ B1 b* N4 r  ^% L
           ① include 及物动词,解释“包括,包含”
1 m  E( Z( v4 W: n" J" l       ② inclusive 形容词,解释“包括在内,尤其会用在日期或数字后”( k9 B) r, l9 {0 D; C* b4 b
       ③ inclusion 不可数名词,解释“包括,包含”
1 U. X2 @2 ?* M6 R9 `1 D/ U       ④ exclude (动词) 或 exclusive (形容词) 或 exclusion (名词), 0 B  p% @. |: I4 A# o% F2 I% I3 E
. A% n6 v& v: q" ]: ]   8.3 mention 及物动词" L* ]1 n$ o; n+ o
       mention = refer to 说到,提及
4 {% C9 d) V# i) ]; v1 b   8.4 credit 信用证$ b& S# w# `& b* q
9. 句子:
, X+ G( e  ~# {, N( M% ~# \" U  The terms “first half”, “second half” of a month shall be construed
8 L6 t1 r8 z- `" b; |   respectively as the 1st to the 15th, and the 16th to the last day of 9 t: X6 F% Z! ~6 `2 @
   such month, all dates inclusive. 句中:
. `! ^" }$ M  ~  P- c9 g/ V   9.1 construe = explain or translate or analyze the meaning of words0 f& Z3 ?+ A0 B- t7 R! f
3 D, M- d8 _3 b: [0 @& j  9.2 respectively = separately 解释“各自地,分别地”' j& v9 h9 F' U  F7 F* l+ ^
10. 我们有必要对合同和信用证的装运时间再作一下总结,银行一般按此标准判断:/ {. r) i( ~# v7 K. H; H* {; D
     合同和信用证中关于装运时间的常用的规定方法课文中已列明,通常有:3 R6 x# E, f4 s6 O- d
      (1) 规定某月装运或跨月装运:
2 E; R; j& l5 S0 P3 ]/ v. D6 ]# u         例如: 3. Shipment to be made during June/July, 2002.
6 R; Y, v2 Z9 v9 g      (2) 规定在某月月底或某日前装运: / G8 w$ W+ p5 l6 |( Q* b
         例如: 2. Shipment not later than July 31st, 2002. Or, * X0 g6 \  r# z% l: G4 m
                     latest shipment date: July 31st, 2002.
$ D5 r7 O, U& G* R                    Shipment at/on or before the end of July 31st, 2002.! g; e8 K4 R. }5 z; `
      (3) 规定在收到汇款或信用证后一段合理时间内装运:
  k" C8 T) K/ d) H         例如: 4. Shipment within 15 days after receipt of remittance.3 \+ H/ Z+ `: D+ x. @* R; A! u0 \
                 5. Shipment within 30 days after receipt of L/C.
0 T" F% p, g+ r      (4) 规定在某一约定的日期装运: * C2 O- w% N& i
         例如: 1. Shipment on or about June 20,2002.
" ^4 I# r& O% o- ^: n, U                     The L/C stipulates that shipment daten or about / d9 q  J4 q" c
                     July 20,2002." B/ J9 H  Z0 a
! r$ S& {' H4 }3 y$ Z      (1) 规定中带有to,until,till,from及类似字词的: 1 e$ H9 P# r9 h
+ \& y, I- C# m& ?: f9 `/ h      (2) 规定中带有after及类似字词的:
' N2 T  o4 U  I% Y8 V                           规定的装运日期不包括在装期有效期内.1 d+ g8 a$ p2 N6 P' ]7 r( i
      (3) 规定中带有first half of a month, second half of a month及类似字词的: + b# i0 P) _' Q$ E6 Q
                           装期有效期分别是在该月的1-15号 和16号至该月的最后一天.6 u' Q: x2 D1 i! X; D  q" z. R( J
      (4) 规定中带有beginning of a month, middle of a month, end of a month
6 _  B$ c, q- v4 L8 b           及类似字词的:
6 C( o( i4 C" v! ^2 l9 ?4 `                           装期有效期分别是在该月的1-10号、11-20号和21号至该月
# V6 U0 N2 `9 Z+ d; S6 B                  的最后一天.. `& F$ F2 ~8 a# C' z. E6 T

" t# ~0 {+ N# q2 [% I6 y颜色是2004.04.28.添补的内容.) S( b! K: K$ ~, T1 p/ c
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