楼主 |
发表于 2007-9-18 10:12:39
+ h: R9 L% r) z0 Z& {Management of non-vessel-operating service6 h7 ]3 C- b# N' n7 D
Name of the project:
& B9 O3 F. M: [% Q, [Registration of the qualification of non-vessel-operating service
- _4 d) f1 z$ V5 N/ v1.management of non-vessel-operating service
, }1 N! Y) y2 ]& l2.establishment of the branches in Shanghai by NVOCCs
4 F& h8 M) k" z3 `" j2 jHandling basis:
" V1 o6 O) w3 M8 s4 f7 ?Article 7 and 8 of the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on International Maritime Transport”, and;8 T. ~7 [1 N8 s$ P
Article 3, 11, 14 and 25 of the “Implementing Rules of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on International Maritime Transport”.; E- J1 s8 F& G# u1 l* u
Materials needed:
2 T6 b% k) V6 }: i8 {: i8 {1. application form (download);
1 F# G- P5 w/ {$ Z2. report on feasibility analysis;/ `, P A. m" n! v, H" Y& _- v, |
3. documents of commercial registrations of the enterprise;. @* u$ V- u- B0 r
4. samples of bills of lading;( u: T1 d* y# L$ A$ f
5. prospectus, name, address, means and person of contact of the organization for communication ;
7 s1 n+ i- l3 G" ]: W: l6. copy or duplicated document of the entrustment;" r8 X* s8 F. N( f2 n, ^% n% N
7.copy of the agreement between the principal and the organization for communication ;- K# Y9 ^0 r4 c1 B) t# U
8. duplicate of the organization’s industrial and commercial registration document;) k, r+ a) X& G( C2 b1 _: j
9. documents of commercial registrations of the parent company;
* B/ K- D% a4 I10. copy of the parent company’s Qualification Certificate on Non-Vessel-Operating Service;" g5 P6 M7 Z) w
11. confirmation document by the parent company on the operation scope of its branches;, W4 Q0 R; Z- ^- O( Y6 R( y
12. copy of vouchers certifying that the non-vessel-operating service bond has been deposited to the bank.
! N2 l7 R3 [- T, S# f( {# A/ O2 ^Chinese enterprise who applies for non-vessel-operating service needs to provide item 1 to item 4 and item 12 of the above; foreign enterprise, whose appointed organization of communication is a foreign investment enterprise set in China or institution of permanent delegate, needs to provide item 1 to item 5, item 8 and item 12 if he wants to apply for non-vessel-operating service; for those whose appointed organization of communication is formed by other enterprises or institutions should provide item 1 to item 8 and item 12; Chinese non-vessel-operating service provider who applies for the establishment of its braches in Shanghai needs to provide item 1, item 3, and item9 to item 12. The bank of opening an account which is used to the deposit of non-vessel-operating bond is Chang An street sub-branch, Beijing branch, China Merchants Bank, the account number is 0583308310001, the payee is the special account of non-vessel-operating bond, and the use of remittance is the bond of the non-vessel-operating service.
. x% z- }- M2 {& A/ z+ q, YProcedures:. w8 W' O* ^. ^0 f4 f/ g1 }
The applicants should send their applications to the Ministry of Communications, together with related materials and at the same time send application materials to the Port Authorities of Shanghai. After receipt and auditing of the application materials, the Port Authorities of Shanghai shall deliver some related opinions to the Ministry of Communications. After receipt and auditing of the complete application materials, the Ministry of Communications shall permit the registration, or reject the application with reasons. F3 E+ p" O( O
Time limit of handling:
- o( f5 n* a8 Q7 [3 U$ yThe Port Authorities of Shanghai shall audit and send materials to the Ministry of Communications within seven working days; and the Ministry of Communications shall finish auditing within fifteen working days.
; ]3 f/ l: D1 `
7 B$ w9 Y4 W; L4 M8 _9 W# }2 ^: B- t
5 ]- j4 R* D1 R: I$ Q
The above information is all provided by Shanghai Qi Shuo Company, the Shanghai center of China Logistics Technology Association!
/ a d! x+ \! g$ W( V2 vAddress: Room 716, Hai Tai Times Building, No.289, Wu Ding Rd. (near to North Si Chuan Rd.)/ ]8 [# ~7 r3 }2 M
The cost of the NVOCC agency is 5,000 RMB ( y3 X5 @5 u, h" @
The application cycle is 45 working days # X, {7 y8 B, R2 `9 O w1 J
" H4 r, X3 ?6 O% J/ q: t
经营无船承运业务5 M1 t! T; ]$ Z+ \9 e, d
1 l8 m# L) y: o M: t 经营无船承运业务的资格登记: E {% w/ L4 ~$ @
(一)经营无船承运业务 [7 n( `( |" q8 l! Q) \
(二)无船承运业务经营者在上海设立分支机构. o1 V# v: k- w8 @% W; y" j4 Z
& k5 b- D9 Y* i+ H% ~( `
2 ^4 A6 b) x8 M 《中华人民共和国国际海运条例》第七条、第八条;《中华人民共和国国际海运条例实施细则》第三条、第十一条、第十四条、第二十五条。
9 h: `, _7 D9 k# K办理所需材料: ) P1 |& E' ~( B/ V9 N7 S" ^. n
1、申请书(表格下载);7 v) U" q) \: \/ q: U$ g: ]
" M- W. f* j) ~3 l C, x 3、企业商业登记文件(须由企业有登记机关确认或证明该复印件与原件一致的公证文书);
6 q" X) o5 K: c9 Q1 A( p 4、提单格式样本;( w% F3 y1 G' H' T
$ Q# N f/ J7 V; {+ m3 X: @9 O5 C 6、委托书副本或复印件;
; T" C$ n$ z2 a3 j 7、委托人与联络机构的协议副本;/ O; _ v/ w; D4 M
+ B( V, }% s$ z$ {5 Z+ j: ~ 9、母公司的企业商业登记文件(须由企业登记机关确认或证明该复印件与原件一致的公证文书);" O2 O2 c$ q. [9 Z; P0 F. K8 l
10、母公司的《无船承运业务经营资格登记证》复印件;' G9 u9 q( s" K" z. n! s
11、母公司确定该分支机构经营范围确认文件; / D+ g. W: o0 B3 e. ], I
12、无船承运业务保证金已交存的银行凭证复印件。% P5 b" \' O$ B% @5 j
中国企业法人申请经营无船承运业务需提供办事要件第1至第4项、第12项; d: }4 V' Y3 z8 d) Q
境外企业申请经营无船承运业务指定联络机构为该境外企业在中国境内的外商投资企业或常驻代表机构的,需提供办事要件1至5、8、12项;/ n( p1 t* Q, o: J% @: v \
; t; a& w6 U0 ~" Y4 l8 o中国无船承运业务经营者申请在上海设立分支机构需提供办事要件1、3、9至12项。
; C( b, M7 u5 Q交存无船承运业务保证金的开户行名称为招商银行北京分行长安街支行,账号为0583308310001,收款人为无船承运业务保证金专户,汇款用途为无船承运业务保证金。2 x5 w4 C$ T8 r" |+ N, z2 ~ r
8 T: ^6 |3 U- P4 d# \ G
2 J( F/ g) H" c6 U 申请人向交通部提出申请,报送相关材料,同时将申请材料抄报上海市港口管理局。上海市港口管理局收到申请材料并审核后,将有关意见报送交通部;交通部收到完整齐备 的申请材料后进行审核,审核合格的,予以登记,向申请人颁发《无船承运业务经营资格登记证》;不合格的,书面通知申请人并告知理由。# C8 T; X6 ^7 f$ m
; ]3 U& Z# W5 a' Q" _ 上海市港口管理局在7个工作日内审核,并报送交通部;交通部在15个工作日内审核。 : v( C% D8 G" s7 i i
由上海市港口管理局代交通部受理,审核后提出初审意见报交通部审批1 R* J6 W4 y8 D
联系人:冯小姐 直线电话:021-51096809-5869 上海棋硕E-MAIL: admin001@56hr.net; u* O' x! |# X: ]/ ]