汽车的“脚踏板”到底应该归哪里。简单查阅了一下品目注释,据不完全统计,大概有以下几处曾经述及“汽车脚踏板” 一、品目87.08“机动车辆的零件、附件”: “本品目的零件及附件包括...... (二)车身零件及其配套附件,例如......脚踏板;挡泥板、叶子板” 上述品目87.08中的“脚踏板”,其对应的英文为“running-boards”。 依据“维基百科”对其的定义,所谓“running-boards”是指—— “A running board is a narrow step fitted under the side doors of a car or truck. It aids entry, especially into high vehicles, and is typical of vintage cars, which had much higher ground clearances than today's vehicles. It is also used as a fashion statement on vehicles that would not otherwise require it.” 狸叔无责任翻译:“脚踏板”为安装于轿车或卡车侧门下方的狭长条状物,主要用于帮助人们登车,尤其是底盘设计成离地面较高的车辆,比如一些老式车辆。但是,对于现代轿车来说,“脚踏板”只是一种外观时尚(使车辆更美观大方),并无其他用途(见下图)。 file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1.ZGC\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps_clip_image-26952.png 二、品目83.02“用于家具、门窗、楼梯、百叶窗、车厢、鞍具、衣箱、盒子及类似品的贱金属附件及架座”: “本品目包括主要用于家具、门窗、车厢等上面的通用贱金属附件及架座。 ...... 三、不属于第十七类所列零件或附件范围的机动车辆(例如,小客车、货车、旅行车)用附件及架座。例如......脚踏板......”。 上述品目83.02中的“脚踏板”,其对应的英文为“foot rests”。 同样,依据“维基百科”对其的定义,所谓“foot rests”是指—— “In an automobile, the dead pedal, often also called the foot rest, is typically a non-moving piece of rubber or metal that the driver is supposed to rest his or her left foot on when driving. Although the dead pedal serves no function in the car, many cars opt to implement it because it provides a number of benefits to the driver. In manual transmission cars the dead pedal is designed to promote a smoother actuation of the clutch by keeping the drivers foot in the same plane as the pedal.[1] Automatic transmission cars can also benefit from the dead pedal because it prevents fatigue by offering a stable inclined surface on which the driver can place his or her foot.” 翻译:在汽车行业中,所谓“脚踏板”也称“固定踏板”,是一种不可移动的橡胶或金属制踏板,主要用于使驾驶者的左腿得到支撑和休息。虽然“脚踏板”对于汽车驾驶来说完全不起作用,但是许多汽车上仍会选择安装“脚踏板”。因为,其能为驾驶者带来如下便利——对于手动档车辆,“脚踏板”的存在可以使驾驶者的左脚始终与离合器踏板处于同一平面上,从而使其能够更顺畅的踩踏离合器。对于自动档车辆,“脚踏板”可以提供一个稳定的倾斜面,使驾驶者的左腿得到休息(见下图)。 三、品目87.08“机动车辆的零件、附件”: “本品目的零件及附件包括: ...... (十一)控制装置,例如......加速踏板、制动踏板、离合器踏板;制动器及离合器的连杆。” 对于上述三种“踏板”,相信大家已经猜到了,就是我们对应我们上图中所示的除“脚踏板”外的其他三块踏板。 好了,以上就是“汽车脚踏板”的商品介绍和归类分析。