daisysi2008 发表于 2008-10-21 21:04:38


advice of shipment,运输建议

  air bill of lading,空运提单

  cargo in bulk,散货

  certificate of quantity/weight ,质量/重量证明书

  export bill of lading,出口提单

  export documents,出口证明

  import entry, 进口报关手续

  ocean marine bill of lading,海运提单

  survey report on quality,按质量的检验报告

  survey report on weight,按重量的检验报告

  transshipments goods,转运货物

  transit goods, 转口货物

  sanitary certificate卫生证明

  phytosanitary certificate,植物检疫证明

  veterinary(health certificate),兽医健康证明

  health certificate,健康证书

  fumigation/disinfection certificate,熏蒸证书

  heat treatment certificate,热处理证书

  no-wood declaration,无木声名

  non-coniferous wood declaration,非针叶林声名

  Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau(出入境检验检疫局)



  动物检疫证书----------animal quarantine certificate

  动物卫生证书----------animal health certificate

  植物检疫证书----------phytosanitary certificate

  植物转口检疫证书------phytosanitary certificate for re-export

  1、A.C.S American Chemical Society 美国化学学会

  2、APEC Asia—Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织

  3、APHA American Public Health Association 美国公共卫生协会

  4、ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟

  5、ASEM American Society of Electric Manufactures 美国电器制造商协会

  6、AWSA Australian Wool Surveillance Authority 澳大利亚羊毛监督局

  7、B.V. Bureau Veritas 法国船检协会

  8、CAC Codex Alimentarius Commission 食品法典(规范)委员会

  9、CCIC China Certification &Inspection Group 中国检验认证集团

  10、CCPIT China Chamber for Promotion of International Trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会

  12、CEN Comite Europeen de Normalisation 欧洲标准化委员会

  13、CIQ China inspection and Quarantine 中国检验检疫

  14、CIQA China Entry—Exit inspections and Quarantine Association


  15、CNCA Certification and Accreditation Administration of People's Republic Of China


  16、CQC China Quality Certification Center 中国质量认证中心

  17、CSA Canadian Standards Association 加拿大标准协会

  18、DSB Dispute Settlement Body 争端解决机构

  19、EFTA European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易联盟

  20、EU European Union 欧洲联盟

  21、FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (Of the United Nations) (联合国)粮农组织

  22、FDA Food and Drug Administration(of U.S.A) (美)食品药物管理局

  23、AQSIQ General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic Of China


  24、GATT General Agreement Tariffs and Trade 关税与贸易总协定

  25、IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构

  26、IAWTL International Association of Wool Testing Laboratories


  27、IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电工技术委员会

  28、ILO International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织

  29、IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织

  30、IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织

  31、ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织

  32、IWTO International Wool Textile Organization 国际毛纺组织

  33、JCIC Japan China Commodity lnspection Company Ltd. 日中商品检查株式会社

  34、OMIC Overseas Merchandise lnspection Co. (日)海外货物检查株式会社

  35、PICC People's Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司

  36、SAC Standardization Administration of China 中国国家标准化管理委员会

  37、SGS Societe Generale de Surveillance 瑞士通用鉴定公司

  38、UL Under writers’ Laboratories (美)保险商实验室

  39、UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development


  40、UNDP United Nations Development Program联合国开发计划署

  41、UNEP United Nations Environment Program 联合国环境署

  42、WCO World Customs Organization 世界海关组织

  43、WHO World Health organization 世界卫生组织

  44、WIPO World Intellctual Property Organization 世界知识产权组织

  45、WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织
from edible to lemon extract

  edible adj. 适合食用的

  Are these berries edible, or are they poisonous? 这些草莓可以吃,还是有毒?

  Element n. 少量,微量

  There is an element of truth in what you say. 你的话有些真实性。

  elimination n. 淘汰, 排除; 排泄, 消去

  entrusted inspection 委托检验

  entrust vt. 委托,付托

  I entrusted the child to your care. 我把孩子托给你照顾。

  The young couple entrusted the child to the care of their neighbour for evening schools.年青夫妇把孩子托付给邻居照管去上夜校。

  Enzyme n. [生化]酶

  Epidemic n.流行病;时疫

  Epidemic adj. 流行性的

  Violence is reaching epidemic levels. 暴力达到了流行的程度。

  Violence is reaching epidemic levels in some of the films and TV plays. (喻) 在一些电影和电视剧中暴力已经快到泛滥程度了。

  Epizootic adj. 流行于家畜的, 体外寄生的

  n. 家畜流行病

  error n. 错误,过失

  The accident was caused by human error. 这次事故是由人为过错造成的。

  Evaporate vt., vi. -rated, -rating 使蒸发

  The sun will evaporate the mist.太阳会蒸发雾气。

  The pool of water on the playground evaporated in the sun.操场上水坑里的水在阳光下蒸发了。

  Heat evaporates water. 热使水蒸发。

  Evenness n. 平均, 平等, 平坦

  Examine vt. -ined, -ining 检查;细查

  The doctor examined her carefully. 医生给她作了仔细的检查。

  Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass.昨天,消防队员们仔细地检查了地面,但未能找到任何碎玻璃。

  My suitcases were examined at the Customs when I entered the country. 入境时,我的提包在海关受到了检查。


  exceed vt. (常与by连用)超过,超出

  exceeding the speed limit 超速

  to exceed one's authority 越权

  The cost will not exceed $50. 费用不会超过50美元。

  The results of the competition exceeded our expectations. 比赛的结果比我们预料的好。

  Experiment n. 实验,试验

  We can learn by experiment that oil and water will not mix. 我们可以从实验中看到油和水是不相溶合的。

  Experiment vi. (常与on, with连用)做实验

  We experimented by putting oil and water together, and we saw that they did not mix. 我们把油和水放在一起做实验,结果看到它们不相溶合。

  They experimented with new reagents and succeeded. 他们用新试剂做了试验,获得了成功。

  expert adj. (常与at, in连用)内行的

  At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can walk.在洛杉矶的特别游泳池里,孩子甚至在会走路之前就能熟练地在水下屏住呼吸。

  Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate. 雷克斯很快就成了开门能手。

  Kate's an expert in / at / on teaching small children. 凯特是个幼儿教育专家。

  All the young men are expert drivers.所有这些年轻人都是驾驶能手。

  Expert n. (常与at, in连用)专家

  an expert in cookery 烹调方面的专家

  a cookery expert 烹调专家

  external adj. 外部的;外面的

  the external walls of a house 一座房屋的外墙

  External causes become operative through internal causes. 外因通过内因而起作用。

  This medicine is for external use only, not for drinking. 此药只供外用,不可内服。


  external trade 国外贸易

  This local newspaper doesn't pay much attention to external affairs.这家地方报纸不太注重国外新闻。

  extract   vt. 拔出;拉出    to extract a toot 拔牙

  提取;榨出; n.提炼物;精华   lemon extract柠檬精

daisysi2008 发表于 2008-10-21 21:08:46

出口货物应向(   )检验检疫机构申请<出境货物通关单>
A 报关地B 生产地C 出境口岸D 装运地
答案:A 可是我觉的是C.可以帮我解释一下

seivyjune 发表于 2008-10-21 23:10:28


celia888 发表于 2008-10-21 23:20:14


9999999 发表于 2008-10-24 09:34:28


悠闲の鱼 发表于 2011-9-4 21:53:22


XIAOYANG822002 发表于 2011-10-31 16:26:43


雨化田 发表于 2012-3-4 15:05:21


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